
Volume 55, November 24, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri

Editors: Mohamed and Rashida Ziauddin

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful



We Muslims for too long have unnecessarily been on the defensive when it comes to facing accusations that Islam exploits and demeans women. The fact is that it is actually the opposite - Islam has elevated the status of women both from a historical and contemporary perspective and emphasizes the importance of viewing the female as a complete human being with tremendous potential complimentary to the opposite gender of Male.

The Holy Quran even numerically did not discriminate the female. There is equity and balance in the Quran. For example: the words for men (rajul, rijal) are mentioned 57 times, so also the word for women (nisa') is mentioned 57 times. Some skeptics may dismiss this as a "coincidence".

Is below also a Co-incidence ?

(1) The mention of
the word "yawm" (meaning 'day') in its singular form occurred in the Qur'an 365 times (indicating 365 days of each year).

(2) The word "shahr" (meaning 'month') in its singular form is mentioned 12 times (indicating twelve months of the year) in the Quran.

The word "Dunya" (this world) occurs in the Qur'an 115 times and so also the word "Akhirah" (the Hereafter) is mentioned 115 times.

(4) (LIFE VS DEATH) The word for life (Hayat and its derivatives) occurs 145 times and the word for death (mawt and its derivatives) occur 145 times.

(5) (FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE- The two major areas we constantly need to increase and build upon) The word for faith (Iman and its derivatives) is mentioned 811 times and also the word for knowledge (Ilm and its derivatives) is mentioned 811 times. The numerical importance cannot be overemphasized.

(6) (MESSENGERS delivering Allah's message to the PEOPLE): The word for Messengers (al-Rusul) occurs 241 times and the word for People (al-Nas) also occur 241 times.

Prophet Mohamed (SAW) was perfectly right when he stated that the Holy Quran is a Book whose wonders will never be exhausted.("la tanqadi 'aja'ibuh." Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith no. 2831)

It is stated in the Holy Quran: "God does not judge you according to your bodies and appearances, but He looks into your hearts and observes your deeds."

While the Holy Quran is applicable for all mankind, there is already a cue in the above verse for women in terms of their ACTIONS which should be geared to focus on their intention of their hearts and deeds rather than focusing on enhancing one's body and appearance which by so doing in excess, may fall under voluntary sexual objectification.

Coming back to the earlier point of Islam and Women, most of the negativity generated by non-Muslims results from their ignorance of what Islam truly stands for. Most of their accusations are drawn upon by actions of Muslims who inadvertently were misguided and deviated away from the original teachings of Islam.

While many Muslims are branded as INTOLERANT, the fact is that the Muslims have actually been VERY TOLERANT to accommodate the deviated and misguided views of Muslim extremists ("Well, we are after all one Ummah"; What, you are thinking of one Ummah to protect criminals who kill innocents, THINK AGAIN ?). The misguided extremists have essentially hijacked the peaceful religion of Islam and are currently on a path to nose dive and pilot it down for a free fall towards (temporary) destruction. In the current tremulous, violent crossroads of the present global social crisis, an humble appeal is being made to the global Ummah at all levels to become united and work towards developing a ZERO TOLERANCE approach in responding to the misguided and deviant extremists.

Speaking of original teachings of Islam, we Muslims should be thankful to Allah to guide us to the right path through HIS Noble Quran.

As a matter of fact, we Muslims don't need to be defensive at all pertaining to the non-Muslim perception and accusations of Islam being the cause to undermine the status of Women. On the contrary we have to educate and highlight the non-Muslims about their own negativity of women in general and offer to help improve the status of women by offering suggestions drawn upon from the gems of Islam - Holy Quran and Hadith.

The whole humanity including the misguided Muslims have been having hard time discarding the historical cultural baggage as it pertains to negativity against females and we all should work together to help in elevating the status of women. Holy Quran's guidelines and emphasis on dress and other attributes of women was meant to significantly reduce her being perceived as a sex object. Unfortunately certain misguided Muslims deviated away from the intent of the Holy Quran's teachings and wrongly forced their women to be (as one female Arab Social Worker who graduated from Washington University, St. Louis described as: "a valuable piece of furniture at home"). To the ignorant above may be Islam, but to the wise and knowledgeable, above is NOT Islam.

In this issue, we shall focus on PROVERBS and statements from across the world. As Muslims, we need to be more assertive by challenging the negative stereotypes of women as reflected in below proverbs and in other cultural expressions that are mostly UNTRUE and continue to be a part of the past historical cultural baggage that we are currently carrying in our psyche in the twenty first century. Needless to emphasize, the same cultural baggage has also seeped into the practice of Islam and masquerades as an Islamic practice which is wrongly being accepted by certain misguided Muslims.

Let's check out the facts from a global perspective through fifty international proverbs and other cultural customs and national trends & then contrast it with what Islam has to say on the status of Women through its gems of Holy Quran and Hadith.


According to the Wikipedia:

(1) A proverb (from the Latin proverbium), also called a byword or nayword, is a simple and concrete saying popularly known and repeated, which expresses a truth, based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.


(2) A proverb is a short, generally known sentence of the folk which contains wisdom, truth, morals, and traditional views in a metaphorical, fixed and memorizable form and which is handed down from generation to generation.
—Mieder 1985:119; also in Mieder 1993:24


(1) "Nature intended women to be our slaves. They are our property, we are not theirs...They belong to us, just as a tree belongs to the gardener."
Napoleon Bonaparte

Islamic teachings reject the intentions of Nature and ascribes Allah as the Creator:

"O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye may despise each other). Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you [my note: could be a male or female]. And God has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things). (The Noble Quran, 49:13)"

It was related that Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) was in her room with her maid combing her hair when she heard the Prophet calling for a community gathering for an announcement in the mosque: "O People!" Her maid said to Umm Salama, "You don’t have to go; he’s calling for the men of course, and not the women." Umm Salama replied, "Indeed, I am one of the people. (Innî min an-nâs.)" .

(2) To educate a woman is like putting a knife in the hands of a monkey.
Hindu Proverb

(ISLAM: In "Women in the Quran and the Sunna", Prof. Abdur Rahman states : "The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Seeking knowledge is a mandate for every Muslim (male and female)." This includes knowledge of the Quran and the Hadith as well as other knowledge. Men and women both have the capacity for learning and understanding. ISLAM places a great importance on knowledge.

Prophet Mohamed (SAW) declared that it was mandatory for every man and woman to seek knowledge, and in this path of knowledge, if the seeker died, he would be a martyr.

During the period of Prophet's life, the importance of both the teacher and the pupil was highlighted, and it was stated that the teacher’s position was something to be envied, and the pupil was given the glad tidings of paradise. A Scholar was given precedence over a Worshipper, the ink of a Scholar’s pen was given precedence over a Martyr’s blood, and Scholars were called the heirs of the Prophets and a special prayer of mercy was performed for someone who not only learns, but conveys to others as well. Mothers of the Believers were specially instructed to learn the Prophet’s (SAW) ahadith (sayings), along with the Quranic teachings.

Prophet Mohammed (SAW) stated: "Seek knowledge even in China", "Seek Knowledge from Cradle to Grave"

(3) Of all the wild beasts of land or sea, the wildest is woman.
Menander (Geek author)

(4) When a needle sees a dagger, she cries, "O, sister!"
Russian Proverb

(5) Women and fools never forgive.
Chinese Proverb

(6) Women and wine rid a man of his common sense.

Spanish Proverb

(7) Men are women's playthings, women are the devil's (playthings).

Victor Hugo

(8) The devil makes the cake. And the woman causes it to be eaten.

Piedmontese Proverb

(9) Wise men never say what they think of women.

Samuel Butler

(10) An ugly woman is a disease to the stomach, a beautiful woman a disease of the head.
Japanese Proverb

Holy Quran: "God does not judge you according to your bodies and appearances, but He looks into your hearts and observes your deeds."

(11) There is a woman in the shadow of every Crime.
Japanese Proverb

(12) Women, land, and money are all three homes of death.

Sindhi Proverb

(13) If you want to go the gallows (to get yourself hung) without the aid of a ladder, you can go by the aid of a woman.
Sinhalese Proverb

(14) A bad woman is worse than the devil. He only tortures sinners, she (tortures both, the sinners and) the good as well
Polish Proverb

(15) He who takes an eel by the tail, or a woman at her word, soon finds he holds nothing.
Traditional Proverb

(16) Woman was born three days earlier than the devil.
Korean Proverb

Islamic teachings reject the above:

"And among God's signs is this: He created for you mates from amongst yourselves (males as mates for females and vice versa) that you might find tranquillity and peace in them. And he has put love and kindness among you. Herein surely are signs for those who reflect. (The Noble Quran 30:21)"

(17) Dealing with a woman isn't good, even for a devil.
Polish Proverb

Islamic teachings reject the above: When a husband deals with his wife, he must always "fear Allah and know that he will meet Him" someday and be held accountable for every atom of positive and negative he did to his wife: "Then shall anyone who has done an atom's weight of good, see it! And anyone who has done an atom's weight of evil, shall see it. (The Noble Quran, 99:7-8)"

Above is not true in Islam:

A group of women went complaining to Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) that the Qur'an only mentioned the wives of the Prophet and not women in general. "Men are mentioned in everything and we are not. Is there any goodness in us to be mentioned and commended at all?" And this was the cause for the revelation of verse 35 of the thirty-third surah:

"Verily, Muslim men and women believers, obedient men and women, truthful men and women, patient men and women, humble men and women, charitable men and women, fasting men and women, chaste men and women–those who mention and remember God, men and women, for all those God has prepared forgiveness and a great reward".

(18) A Monk who takes offerings from the hand of a woman will be reborn as someone with 500 years without rest
Japanese Proverb.

In Islam, actions of both men and women are equally acknowledged. Umm Salama went to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and wondered, "Why are the men being praised for their sacrifices in the hijra and not the women?" This was the cause for the revelation of verse 195 of the third surah: Bismillah ir-Rahmân ir-Rahîm, (And God has heard them and responded)

"Verily, I suffer not the work of any worker of you, male or female, to be lost; You are one of another".

What is the significance of above three narratives from the Hadeeth. (1, 17 and 18)? According to Sister Omaima Abou-Bakar (who has been a women’s rights activist, scholar and an Associate Professor of English and comparative literature at Cairo University)

(a) They demonstrate the concern on the part of the women for being included in the public affairs of the community or the divine address itself or to be a visible part of Muslim life–its public aspect as well as its religious aspects.

(b) They reflect concern for the recognition and acknowledgment of what women do and participate in so as not to be excluded, ignored, or marginalized.

(c) Such narratives also show the necessity of observing a certain balance between the two groups of the community in other words, a gendered view that is also holistic and seeking equity. This view or the expression of this view underscores a woman’s perspective, initiative, and agency in questioning and debating.

(d) A final important point here is that God Almighty responded (this is the Quranic word "istajâba") to the questioning by a revelation that inscribes and hence VALIDATES WOMEN'S RIGHT TO VOICE CONCERNS AND QUESTIONS.


(Ed Note: This also partly explains why we very strongly believe that the TALIBAN essentially committed a crime against our sisters in Afghanistan by their misguidance and deviation in terms of depriving them the opportunity to seek knowledge).

(19) A woman can't keep a secret, nor let anyone else do it.
German Proverb

(20) Whereas women's love is dangerous, their hate is fatal.
Eastern Proverb

(21) Women's wisdom arrives after the event (slow & useless)

Japanese Proverb

(22) You cannot stop a whore, not even with a hundred horses.

Gypsy Proverb

(23) Women like good wine, are a secret poison.
Traditional Proverb

(24) Women in state affairs are like monkeys in glass houses.

Irish Proverb

(25) A whore is a deep ditch, lying in wait for her prey.
Proverbs - 23:27-28A

(26)Women are variable as April weather.

German Proverb.

(27) When the bitch gets off the wagon, horses have an easier time.

Polish Proverb

(28) Women are like melons, only one out of hundred is good.

Apulian Proverb

(29) Every woman is beautiful in the dark, from a distance, and under an umbrella.
Japanese Proverb

(30) There is no difference between a buffalo urinating and a woman weeping. Punjabi Proverb

(31) There is no difference between the mouth of a woman and the mouth of a gutter.
Marathi Proverb

(32) A woman is fire; if you have to have some, take as little as possible.
Fulani of Senegal Proverb

(33) The ruses of women multiply with years.

Traditional Proverb

(34) In one fair woman there are seventy-two hidden vices.

Marathi Proverb

(35) Take a woman for what she is; a sister of the devil.
Yoruba Proverb

(36)Women is like the earth; everyone sits down on her.

African Proverb

(37)A whistling woman and a crowing hen are two of the unluckiest things under the sun.

English Proverb

(38)The rage of a woman, a player, and a bull is something dreadful.

Hindustani Proverb

(39) A house full of daughters is like a cellar full of sour beer.
German Proverb

(ISLAM: "Daughters are a gift from Allah")

(40)A woman is as quiet as a wasp in one's nose.

Scottish Proverb

(41)Women, money and wine have their balm and their harm.
French Proverb

(42) Water, smoke, and a vicious woman drive men out of the house.
French Proverb

(43) A wise man sees only water in the tears of a woman.
Russian Proverb

(44) A woman talks to one man, looks at a second and thinks of a third.

Bhatrihari Baya-padia Brahmakandra

(45) When women reigns, the devil governs.
Italian proverb

(46) A woman either loves or hates; there is no third grade. And the tears of woman are a deception, for they may spring from true grief, or they may be a snare. When a woman thinks alone, she thinks evil.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

(47) Infidelity, violence, deceit, envy, extreme avariciousness, a total want of qualities, with impurity, are the innate faults of womankind.
Hitopadesa Proverb

(48) Women's minds are like cats eyes (roving, flitting all over)

Japanese proverb

(49) Women are messengers/angels of hell (and the downfall of many a man)
Japanese proverb

(50)No evil is as bad as a mother-in-law.
--Greek Proverb



COUNTRY: Zimbabwe:

The cultural custom is called NGOZI:

"A girl can be given to a family as compensation for a death of a man caused by a member of the girl's family. On reaching puberty, the girl is expected to have sexual intercourse with the brother or father of the deceased person, so as to produce a son to replace the one who died".

Second Cultural Custom is called CHIMUTSA MAPFIWA:

When a married woman dies, her sister is obliged to replace her in the matrimonial home.


Women can be punished by public gang rape, often sanctioned by elders.


According to a report from WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, 30% of women in Auckland and 38 % in North Waikato reported physical violence by an intimate partner at some time in their life.

14 % of women in Auckland and 22% of women in North Waikato reported that they had experienced sexual violence by an intimate partner at sometime in their life.

Combining the above two, 34% in Auckland and 42% in North Waikato had experienced physical and sexual violence by an intimate partner at some time in their life.

According to World Health Organization, one in four females experience sexual violence by an intimate partner and upto one third of adolescent girls report their first sexual experience as being forced.

(Unfortunately) Sexual aggression is often a defining characteristic of manhood in the group and is significantly related to the wish to be held in high esteem (among male peers).

In Johannesburg, studies of women attending medico-legal clinic following a rape found that one third of the cases had been gang raped. In the U.S., ten percent of the rapes are gang-rape.


A survey of female sex workers in Leeds, England and Glasgow, Edinburgh, Scotland revealed that 30% had been slapped, punched or kicked by a client while working, 13 % had been beaten, 11% had been raped, 22% experienced attempted rape.


School teachers attempted go gain sex in return for good grades or for NOT failing the students. In Zimbabwe, high rates of sexual abuse were found perpetrated by teachers in rural primary schools. Most female victims were between 11 to 13 years old.

32% of disclosed report of sexual assaults on students were perpetrated by school teachers.

71 teenage girls were raped by their own classmates and nineteen others were killed in a boarding school.

23% of girls experienced sexual harrasment while attending schools.

39 percent of refugees from Vietnam (boat people) were abducted or raped by pirates while the females were in a journey at Sea.


The 1949 Convention on Prostitution and Trafficking provides in its preamble:

“…Prostitution and the accompanying evil of the traffic in persons for the purpose of prostitution are incompatible with the dignity and worth of the human person and endanger the welfare of the individual, the family and the community

(The repeated bombardment of sexually stimulating messages in various ways by the media and other sources has only enhanced such built up tension which inadvertently becomes all the more detrimental to women.

Wheareas the teachings of Holy Quran coupled with recommendations of the Hadith in terms of doing frequent Zikr (rememberance of Allah) if implemented sincerely from the heart significantly reduces if not completely eliminates the built up of above sexual tension. Therefore the question of a truly practicing Muslim going to a prostitute does not even arise.

With five daily prayers in which he communicates directly 1:1 or in a group with his Creator, he would be careful of his actions during the break times between the five daily prayers. For if he commits an evil act in between the break, with what face he will communicate to Allah during his next prayer")


Below statement is part of a speech made by expert Dr. Mohamed Matter: (The Protection Project)

Prostitution is a crime in Islam.
Consequently, when the 2004 Arab charter on Human Rights in article 10 prohibited trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, it prohibited both trafficking for the purpose of prostitution, and trafficking for the purpose of exploitation of the prostitution of others.

Islamic law is clear in prohibiting all forms of exploitation, including prostitution. Islamic law was the first legal system tin the world to provide for the principle of non-punishment of a victim of trafficking for the purpose of prostitution.

It is to be noted that:

• Slavery was only accepted as a “temporary” institution.

• Islam called for its “gradual” abolition.

• The Quran made freeing a slave a good deed that made up for a wrong doing.

• The Prophet Mohamed (SAW) said “SET SLAVES FREE and release the ….."

Allah does not accept prayers of “One who enslaves a free man”

"I have no doubt that Slavery is inconsistent with Islamic principles of freedom and equality and therefore what happens in Sudan is an abuse of Islam, and Islam may not be used to justify slave practices in a country like Mauritania".

(Above is condensed version by Dr. Mohamed Mattar - During a Speech on April 1, 2008 to the American Islamic Congress)

Holy Quran: (24:23):

“And force not your maids (Ed Note:victims) to prostitution …. But if anyone (Ed Note:includes pimps) compels them … Do not punish them (Ed Note:female victims). God will forgive them (Ed Note:female victims).

Women are used for their bodies. Every year nearly two million girls between the ages of 5 and 15 are moved into the sex trade according to www.helpsavekids.org. According to Human Rights Watch between 200,000 and 300,000 women and girls are trafficked to Europe each year for the sex trade. Trafficking in women for the sex trade is a $7 Billion industry. (www.syl.com).

Turkey, a secular country which has one of the strictest restrictions for hijab among all Muslim countries, not surprisingly has joined the fray of commercialing the right of a female to sell her body. Article 215-b of the Turkish Criminal Code defines trafficking as exploitation for labor, but does not mention sex, because sex is considered a form of labor. Prostitution there is legalized. You apply for license when you work as a prostitute but you have to be a citizen of Turkey.

How should one react to the country of Austria which also legitimizes the right of a female to sell her body on par with other WORK categories by providing to foreigners a "PROSTITUTE VISA" ? It is really unclear in which direction some of the "advanced and civilized" countries are moving towards ?And at what Social Cost ?


There are approximately FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND prostitutes in Germany, it is estimated that 75 percent of those who are abused in these houses of prostitution are foreigners, and many of those same women are raped and cruelly mistreated. And if they could, they would leave. Add to that the approximately 40,000—that is one estimate—who are expected to have been brought in by force, fraud, or coercion—trafficked to be part of the houses of prostitution's offerings. (Sept 19, 2008 5th Annual Conference: "Prostitution, Sex Work, and Human Trafficking, University of Toledo, Ohio)


Danica Anderson in her report of Sept 28, 2008 stated:

"Outside any hotel in downtown Kampala, Uganda has very young prostitutes soliciting their bodies for money to eager tourists from abroad or nearby countries. Supposedly, enlightened and liberal westerners think that prostitution should be a business commodity.
As I walk by the barely thirteen year old Uganda girl-child, slick with cosmetics and provocative outfit, I wonder how any mother would really think it's a business. The loss of female values and culture impounded with the most severe disrespect and disdain of her body is often okay with mothers".


In a report by AlterNet dated September 29, 2008, titled "When Men Murder Women: New Report Details Homicide Rates" . It stated that "The Violence Policy Center has just released a horrifying report detailing the rate of female homicides perpetrated by men in 2006 (the most recent year data was available).

The report's key findings:

For homicides in which the victim to offender relationship could be identified, NINETY TWO PERCENT OF FEMALE VICTIMS (1,572 out of 1,701) WERE MURDERED BY SOMEONE THEY KNEW.



There were 309 women shot and killed by either their husband or intimate acquaintance DURING THE COURSE OF AN ARGUMENT.


"Three out of four American women will be victims of violent crimes sometime during their life."

"Violence is the leading cause of injuries to women ages 15 to 44 yrs.

"Since 1974, the assault rate against women has outstripped the rate for men by at least twice for some age groups and far more for others."

"Battering (by males) is the single largest cause of injury to women in the United States."

"An estimated 4 million American women are battered each year by their husbands or partners."

"Between 2,000 and 4,000 women die every year from [domestic] abuse."

"[A]rrest rates may be as low as one for every 100 domestic assaults."

"Partial estimates show that violent crime against women costs this country at least 3 billion--not million, but billion--dollars a year."

"[E]stimates suggest that we spend $5 to $10 billion a year on health care, criminal justice, and other social costs of domestic violence."

The evidence as to rape was similarly extensive:

"[The incidence of] rape rose four times as fast as the total national crime rate over the past 10 years."

"According to one study, close to half a million girls now in high school will be raped before they graduate."

"[One hundred twenty-five thousand] college women can expect to be raped during this--or any--year."

"[T]hree-quarters of women never go to the movies alone after dark because of the fear of rape and nearly 50 percent do not use public transit alone after dark for the same reason."

"[Forty-one] percent of judges surveyed believed that juries give sexual assault victims less credibility than other crime victims."

"Less than 1 percent of all [rape] victims have collected damages."

" [A]n individual who commits rape has only about 4 chances in 100 of being arrested, prosecuted, and found guilty of any offense.' "

"Almost one-quarter of convicted rapists never go to prison and another quarter received sentences in local jails where the average sentence is 11 months."

"[A]lmost 50 percent of rape victims lose their jobs or are forced to quit because of the
crime's severity."


Condensed from "Russia’s Barbaric Abuse of Women Continues Apace"


"The numbers are frightening. Each year, more than 14,000 women are killed in acts of domestic violence, meaning that more than one woman dies in Russia at the hands of a relative, partner or former partner every hour. It is a crime common to all of the country’s regions and against women of all social classes and ethnic backgrounds.

Natalya Abubikirova, Executive Director of the Russian Association of Crisis Centers, drew a dramatic parallel to capture the scope of the problem: “The number of women dying every year at the hands of their husbands and partners in the Russian Federation is roughly equal to the total number of Soviet soldiers killed in the 10-year war in Afghanistan.”

In a study conducted by the Council for Women at Moscow State University, 70 percent of those women surveyed said they had been subjected to some form of violence — psychological, sexual, physical or economic — by their husbands. Ninety percent of respondents said they had either witnessed scenes of physical violence between their parents when they were children or had experienced this kind of violence in their own marriage.


(1) "Admonish your wives with kindness."

(2) "When you divorce women and they fulfill the term of their “iddah”, the Qur'an said,"either take them back on equitable terms or set them free on equitable terms; but do not take them back to injure them or to take undue advantage; if anyone does that He wrongs his own soul" (2:231).

(3) "…The parties should either live together in kindness or leave each other charitably …" (2:229).

(4) "(Allah) has revealed to me that you should adopt humility so that no one oppresses another." Riyadh-us-Salaheen, Hadith 1589.

(5) "It is a fine thing when a believer praises and thanks God if good comes to him, and praises God and shows endurance if smitten by affliction. The believer is rewarded for (every good action), EVEN FOR THE MORSEL HE RAISES TO HIS WIFE'S MOUTH. Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 537.

(6) "You have seen nothing like marriage for increasing the love between two people."
Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 921.

(7) Many authentic hadith prove that Islam liberated women and made them free. See hadith Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2138 & 2139.

(8) In ‘Sahih Muslim, Book 018, Number 4251’ We see that a woman in Islam is even allowed to take from her husband's property without his consent if he does not fulfill his mandated Islamic duty to support her.

(9) Umar Ibn khattab told the Prophet that ‘Women had the upperhand over men in Medina" Sahih Bukhari,Volume 7, Book 62, Number 119’ , the Prophet showed a smile after hearing this.

(10) "...Do not retain them (i.e., your wives) to harm them...”(The Noble Quran, 2:231)

(11) "If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husband's part, there is no blame on them if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves; and such settlement is best; even though men's souls are swayed by greed. But if ye do good and practise self-restraint, God is well-acquainted with all that ye do.” (The Noble Quran, 4:128)

(12) Narrated Mu'awiyah al-Qushayri: "I went to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and asked him: What do you say (command) about our wives? He replied: Give them food what you have for yourself, and clothe them by which you clothe yourself, and do not beat them, and do not revile them.”
(Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2139)

(13) "Live with them (wife) on a footing of kindness and equity.

(14) Riyad as Saliheen, chapter 34, ‘treating women well’ Nr. 279. Iyas ibn 'Abdullah ibn Abi Dhubab reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Do not beat the female slaves of Allah." Then 'Umar came to the Prophet and said, "The women have become bold towards their husbands," and so he made an allowance to beat them.

Then many women surrounded the family of the Messenger of Allah to complain about their husbands. The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The people of the household of Muhammad have been surrounded by many women who are complaining about their husbands. THOSE MEN ARE NOT AMONG THE BEST OF YOU".

(15) If a true Muslim has to follow the path of his beloved Prophet Mohamed (SAW), it goes without saying that he MUST not abuse his wife and children. Prophet Mohamed (SAW) demonstrated absence of physical abuse in his own personal life by NEVER beating any of his wives or family members.

Aaishah (Radhiallahu 'Anha) said: "Allaah's Messenger (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) never hit anything with his hand ever, except when fighting in the path of Allaah. Nor did he ever hit a servant or a woman." (Recorded by Ibn Maajah. Al-Albaanee graded it Saheeh)

(16) Riyad as Saliheen, chapter 34, ‘treating women well’, nr 278. Abu Hurayra stated, "The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, 'The most perfect of believers in belief is the best of them in character. The best of you are those who are the best to their women...." [at-Tirmidhi]

According to Brother Karim (a Muslim covert from Netherlands):

Prophet's statement that “the best of you are the best in their behavior towards their wives, and I am the best of you in my behavior towards my wives” shows that

(a) Wife-beaters are the worst men and

(b) NO Muslim wife-beater can possibly claim to imitate the Prophet , although Allah Most High encouraged mankind to imitate Prophet Mohamed (SAW): (Verily in the messenger of Allah ye have a good example for him who looketh unto Allah and the last Day, and remembereth Allah much) Holy Quran 33:21

(17) A mean man to his wife is a violator to Noble Verse 30:21 and the Sunna of the Prophet. An abusive man to his wife is a violator to Noble Verses 2:231 , 4:19 and the Sunna of the Prophet (peace be upon him).

One of the three things that are counted as inadequacies in a man according to Prophet Mohamed (SAW) ... "going to his wife and having intercourse with her before talking to her and gaining her intimacy, satisfying his need from her before she has satisfied her need from him." (Daylami)

The Prophet (SAW) said during the Farewell Hajj:

"So beware of Allah regarding women for you have taken them as a trust from Allah and you have made their bodies lawful with the word of Allah. " (Bukhari & Muslim)

(18) See tafsir Ibn Kathir an Nisa -19 (quoted at page) for the beautiful treatment of women in Islam, such a treatment is what every Muslim husband is obligated to follow in Islam. (ED Note: Not the controlling, domineering, aggressive approach that has been a continuation from past historical cultural baggage).

(19) Prophet Mohamed (SAW) stated: “Women are full sisters of men.” In the Arabic text, the Prophet, peace be upon him, uses here a word, which implies total similarity and equivalence. Hence, the Prophet’s statement suggests no inferiority attached to women. The Qur’an and the Sunnah assign the same duties to both men and women, and promise them the same reward. If this does not mean the same status, I would like to know what does.

(20) Islam honours women very high and many verses of the Qur'an and practices of the early Muslims bear witness to the fact that woman is, at least, as vital to life as man is, and that she is not inferior to man in any way (in neither religion or intelligence).

Islam never belittles woman or underestimates her role in the society. Allah has made this clear in the Glorious Qur’an, by stating shining examples of some women for the believers– male and female- to emulate.

In this context, the Glorious Qur’an says,

“And Allah citeth an example for those who believe: the wife of Pharaoh when she said: My Lord! Build for me a home with thee in the Garden, and deliver me from Pharaoh and his work, and deliver me from evil doing folk; and Mary, daughter of Imran, whose body was chaste, therefor We breathed therein something of Our Spirit. And she put faith in the words of her Lord and His Scriptures, and was of the obedient.” (At-Tahrim: 11-12)

(21) "The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey God and His Apostle. On them will God pour His mercy: for God is Exalted in power, Wise. (The Noble Quran, 9:71)"

Here we clearly see that also a woman can protect a man in religion by forbidding what is evil and enjoining what is just, this clearly proves that in Islam woman are not inferior to men (neither in religion or in intelligence).

(22) "And their Lord hath accepted of them, and answered them: Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: Ye are members, one of another: Those who have left their homes, or been driven out therefrom, or suffered harm in My Cause, or fought or been slain,- verily, I will blot out from them their iniquities, and admit them into Gardens with rivers flowing beneath;- A reward from the presence of God, and from His presence is the best of rewards." (The Noble Quran, 3:195)"

(23) "O ye who believe! Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness, that ye may take away part of the dower (my note: money given by the husband to the wife for the marriage contract) ye have given them, except where they have been guilty of open lewdness; on the contrary live with them on a footing of kindness and equity. If ye take a dislike to them it may be that ye dislike a thing, and God brings about through it a great deal of good. (The Noble Quran, 4:19)"

Notice how Allah Almighty used the word "great" in Noble Verse 4:19. When Allah Almighty said "and God brings about through a great deal of good" in Noble Verse 4:19, He really meant it! There is a GREAT DEAL OF GOOD in the righteous women in Islam, and Allah Almighty wouldn't use the word "great" for something that is really a big deal.

(24) Notice also in Noble Verse 49:13, Allah Almighty said "Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of God is the most righteous of you". This Noble Verse includes both males and females. A female in Islam can be more righteous than any man in her community.

(25) Islam gave women the right to be fully supported by their husbands, see Sunan Abu-Dawud, Book 11, Marriage (Kitab Al-Nikah), Number 2138 & 2139 and:

A'isha reported: Hind. the daughter of 'Utba, wife of Abu Sufyan, came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and said: Abu Sufyan is a miserly person. He does not give adequate maintenance for me and my children, but (I am constrained) to take from his wealth (some part of it) without his knowledge. Is there any sin for me? Thereupon Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: Take from his property what is customary which may suffice you and your children. (Sahih Muslim, Book 018, Number 4251)

Above was part of an interview by Yoginder Sikand with Margot Badran. (Islaminterfaith.org 2005) Margot Badran is a historian and a specialist of gender studies focused on the Middle East and Islamic world. She did her MA from Harvard University and DPhil from Oxford University. She acquired a diploma in Arabic and Islam from Al Azhar University, Cairo.


According to Margot Badran, Islamic feminism is neither "Western" nor "Eastern" but a universal discourse grounded in the Quran


The Dean of the Women's College at Al Azhar, Dr Suad Salih, is also a Professor of Comparative Fiqh. She teaches in Women's College and also controls the boards that examine candidates for PhD. She evaluates men's and women's intellectual grasp of the religious sciences, especially fiqh.

This highly qualified and respected scholar knows her fiqh and knows that there is no gender impediment, keeping women from becoming muftis or dispensers of religious rulings in answer to requests. She submitted a request to be appointed as mufti, knowing well that there is no religious impediment in the way of women becoming muftis.

In fact, women have historically functioned as muftis. The most illustrious example is that of Sayyidna Aisha, wife of the Prophet (PBUH). Dr Suad was thrust into the role of campaigning for women to be able to be officially appointed muftis. So, yes, "Islamic feminist" ideas percolate in these high halls of religious learning.

Now let me give you an example of a madressah for women and men in Indonesia, where ideas of "Islamic feminism" – again not by that name but simply under the name of religion – form part of the curriculum. Haji Husein Muhammad is a kyai (or sheikh). He teaches at Dar Al Tawhid, a pesantren (the Indonesian word for madressah) in West Java.

Yes, no one can deny the fact that a woman may perform many good deeds and exceed many men in virtue, morality, etc. Islamic history abounds with examples of great women who have made great contribution to the progress of mankind. This is very clear to anyone who is well informed about the status of women during the time of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and the early generations.

In addition, the Hadith in question does not disqualify women from being narrators of Hadiths, and there is nothing that prevents a woman from being one of Allah’s pious servants, if she is steadfast in her religion even with her being excused from fasting or praying during menstruation or post-partum bleeding”


(Ed Note: After reading below you will then clearly understand why TALIBAN deviated from the true ISLAM. Holy Quran teaches Muslims to fight against Injustice and the Global Ummah missed an opportunity to prevent the TALIBAN from commiting injustice in the form of suffocating educational opportunities for Afghan females).

Author of below illuminating article: Sister Farhat Hashmi)

"So one cannot find a period in time where along with the men, women did not carry out this responsibility with due fervor. In fact some women made such accomplishments that men also took up apprenticeship with them. Women set up such high standards of honesty in the narration of hadith that in the book ‘meezan al aitadal’ of ‘ilm jarah o tadeel’, the compiler Alzahbi praises the contribution of these women in these words, ‘Till today, I have not come across a woman whose narration was suspicious or rejected.’

During the Prophet(SAW)’s age, the mothers of the believers were inquired regarding women’s issues; they were also approached for details concerned with Prophet(SAW)’s personal life after he passed away. Who else could have been a better teacher regarding matters relating to the Prophet’s(SAW) personal life after him, than his wives.
The scholastic contributions of the mothers of the believers, including Hafza (r.a), Umm Habiba (r.a), Maimona (r.a), Umm Salmah(r.a), and Ayesha (r.a), are not hidden from anyone; specially the services of Ayesha (r.a) cannot be forgotten.

In the history of Islam, no other woman can equal Ayesha (r.a) in her efforts for the promotion of the Prophet’s (SAW) teachings. She is one of the few companions whose narration of ahadith exceeds 2000 in number and she was a source of education for all for nearly 50 years after the Prophet(SAW)’s death.

In this process of imparting and learning of knowledge, other lady companions of the Prophet (SAW) also left examples that can be emulated. In this context, the names of Umm e Qais, Umm ul Fazl bint Harith, Fatima bint Qais, Umm e Atiah, Umm e Haani, Asma bint Abu bakr (r.a), Asma bint Amees and Asma bint Yazeed are worth mentioning, whose number of ahadith that they have narrated are, 22,30,34,40,46,58,60 and 81 respectively.

Other than these, Busra bin Safwan, Umm Sabeeha Khola Aljuhniyah, Umm ul Hussain al Ahmasiyah, Umm e Jundub al Azdiyah, Umm al Hakeem al Khazaiyah, Sara’a bint Nabhaan, Zareena, Khulaidah bint Qais, Khateebah al Nisa ,Asma bint Yazeed and Khansa al Ansariyah (r.a) are among the women who directly narrated ahadith from Prophet (SAW).
History has witnessed that the women who were honored by promoting the Prophet(SAW)’s teachings, belonged to free and respectable families as well as slaves. The attendants of the Prophet (SAW), Rozina and Maria also had the honor of narrating ahadith.

Other notable names in this category include Maimona bint Saeed, Umaima Mola Rasul who were narrators of hadith as well. Other than these, Barirah and Umm e Ulqama (Mola Ayesha (r.a)), Khaira Umm ul Hassan al Basry (mola Umm e Salmah), Nadbah (mola Maimoona (r.a), Mother of the Believers), Zarra and Nadbah (mola ibn Abbas (r.a)), Bananah (mola Abdar Rahman al Ansari (r.a)) and Laila (mola Umm Ammarah al Ansariyah).
During the age of the Taba’een, a number of women became famous due to their educational achievements; Ibn Sa’ad, alone, has written about more than 60 women who were taking part in the pursuit of knowledge among them, Hafza bint Sireen being one of the most famous scholars of hadeeth of her time.

When Hassan Basary and Ibn e Sireen were mentioned in front of Iyaas bin Muaawiyah, he openly stated that in his opinion, no one surpassed Hafza bint Sireen. Another lady belonging to this category is the famous Umm e Darda al Sughra, whose students include distinguished taba’eens such as Abu Qalaabah, R´jaa bin Haiwah Makhool and Zaid bin Aslam.
Ayesha (r.a)’s outstanding pupil, Umrah bint Abd ar Rahman who needs no introduction, knew the largest number of ahadith narrated by the former. One of her students, Abu Bakr bin Hazm was specially ordered by Omar bin Abdul Aziz to compile all the ahadith that Umrah was proficient in and put them in writing.

Referring to her, Imam Ibn e Shahab al Zohry told Qasim bin Mohammad, ‘I see you hungry for knowledge so shouldn’t I guide you to its treasure? Go to Umrah if you want to acquire knowledge.’ Qasim bin Mohammad says that I found Umrah to be a sea of knowledge that never dries up.

Jawabnah al Musayyab was the name that the famous taba’ee Saeed bin al Musayyab’s daughter was known from. Before their marriage, her husband used to attend her father’s lectures. On the next day after her marriage, her husband got ready to go to Saeed bin al Musayyab’s class, when Jawabnah told him to remain at home, because she could also impart the same knowledge to him that her father could.


In the later ages, i.e, the 3rd century, some notable names are: Abida al Madinah, Umm e Omar as Thaqfiah, Zainab bint Sulaiman, Nafisa bin Hassan bin Zaid, Khadija Umm e Mohammad, Abdah bint e Abdar Rahman, Abbasah, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal’s wife, and other women as well, who gave formal lectures on Rasulallah’s (SAW) ahadith, and great Muhadditheen attended these lectures.

Abida, who was an African slave, but had an expertise in relating ahadith was gifted to Habib bin as Walid al Dahoon al Undalasi by her owner, Mohammad bin Yazeed. Her new master was so impressed by her knowledge that he freed her and married her and took her to Undalas (Spain) with him.

In Spain, Abida related 10,000 ahadith on the authority of Imam Malik bin Anas and several other Madni scholars; hence she became the source of the spread of the Prophet’s (SAW) teachings in Europe. Another such exceptional lady was Zainab bint Sulayman who was a princess. Her father was the Governor of Basra and Spain during the rule of Al Mansoor. She was also very interested in ahadith and had acquired a lot of knowledge in this context. Famous muhaditheen related ahadith on her authority.

Nafisa who belonged to ahl e bait, was another lady who excelled in this field, and
even Imam Shafaee listened to her relating the ahadith.

When the editing of hadith began and hadith books became available, the trend of the women also changed towards listening and relating of these books. They took part in lecturing on them and people from all walks of life benefited. Karima tul Maroozia is a leading name in this context.

Great scholars who related the ahadith of Sahih Bukhari, like Abu Bakr al Khateeb al Baghdadi, traveled from Baghdad to Makkah to listen to Karima relating Sahih Bukhari. Abu Bakr bin Mansoor al Asma’aani states “ My father was very impressed with Karima’s educational capabililties, and used to say that I have not seen anyone like her”.

Even the orientalist, Goldzheir writes about the large amount of Karima’s ‘consents’ to relate the ahadith of Sahih Bukhari.
Women other than Karima, prominent in relating ahadith of Bukhari and other hadith books include Musnadah al Quwatt sat al wizra bint Umar who taught in Damascus and Egypt for a long period of time and who was also famous for relating of ahadith of Bukhari. Umm al Khair umm al Khaliq was the last relator of Sahih Bukhari in Madrassa e Hijaz. Another important name is of Ayesha bint Abdul Hadi, who held a special position in the teaching of Bukhari.

Not only did they relate and lecture on the ahadith of Bukahri but women also worked on other famous hadith books; Umm al Khair Fatima bint Ali al Baghdadiyah’s name is worth mentioning who was a famous relator of her time, of the ahadith of Sahih Muslim. Fatima al Jawz Daniyah used to relate ahadith of Maujam al Tabarani. Zainab bint al Makki al Harani lived for 94 years; she related the ahadith of Musnad Ahmed, and crowds of students always gathered around her. Ibne Nuqta, has mentioned 10 such women, in his book “al Taqeed ul Ma’arfa Rawayah al Sunan wal Masaneed”, who were famous in the relating of ahadith in their times.


In the fourth century, Fatima bint abd Arrahman al Haraaniyah umm Mohammad, Umm Salmah Fatimah (the granddaughter of Imam Abu Dawood al Sajastani, the compiler of Sunan Abu Dawood), Umma tul Wahid bint Abi Abd Allah al Mahamly, Umm al Fath al Islam bint Qazi Ahmed bin Kamil al Baghdadiyah, Jumuah bint Ahmed al Mahiyah, Fatimah bint Halal, and Tahira bint Ahmed al Tanwakhiyah are names worth mentioning, who attained an expertise in the knowledge of hadith and left never-ending impressions on countless people who used to attend their lectures.


In the fifth century, daughter of the famous Sufi Hassan bin Ali al Duqaq and wife of Abul Qasim al Qashiry, Fatimah, became famous for getting Sannad e aali (high degree) she used to relate ahadith on the authority of Abu Naeem al Asfaraainy and Hakim Neshapury. Other well known names were Khadija bint Mohammad al Shahjahaniyah, Satita bint al Qazi ibn abi Amr, Khadija bint al Baqal and Jabrah as Sawdah.


In the sixth century, Fatimah bint Mohammad - Musnada e Isfahan, Umm ul Khair Fatimah bint Ali – Musnada e Khurasan, Musnada ul Waqt – Fatimah al Jawziyah, Fakhar un nisa Khadija bint Mohammad, Tajni bint Abd Allah and Shahdah bint Ahmed – Musnadah al Arq are famous for ‘sanad e aali’. Shahdah, who was given the title of ‘Fakhrun nisa’, used to have large gatherings of students on her lectures, and because of her prestigious degree and fame, people wrongly showed themselves as her students .Zaki al Din al Barzali compiled her “Mushaikha" in 8 volumes. Muhadatheen of all times have believed in traveling long and trying distances for acquiring the knowledge of hadith and getting ‘sanad e aali’.

Even though the facilities available for traveling today were not present at that time, women did not hesitate and faced all obstacles in this path. Umm e Mohammad Zainab bint Ahmed al Muqaddasi (died 722 years after hijrah) traveled to Egypt from Palestine, and then Syria and Madinah. During this time she received hadith education from renowned scholars and when eventually she acquired the permission to relate hadith, and started lecturing, students used to travel from far off places to listen to her.

Fatimah bint Sa’ad al Khair was born in Isfahan but traveled all the way to Egypt to gain knowledge regarding ahadith. Sut ul Khutbaa bint Taqi ud Din al Subki (died 773 years after hijrah) traveled to Egypt and Damascus, Umm e AbdAllah Zainab bint Ahmed al Kamal al Muqaddasiyah (died 740 years after hijrah) traveled to Baghdad, Mardin, Syria, Alexandria, and Cairo, for this purpose, and on her way listened to great scholars, and related many hadith books herself as well. Baai khatoon, a famous muhadditha of the ninth century used to lecture in Egypt and Syria and distinguished scholars used to attend them. She was known as Ayesha bint Ibrahim Jawabnah al Sharahi, and after gaining an expertise in this field, she continued to give lectures in Egypt, Syria and Balbuk etc.

The lecturing and teaching activities of these women were not limited to a few people on a private level, but they used to teach in madaris (educational institutions) as well, where people from all walks of life used to attend their lectures. Ayesha bint Mohammad al Haraaniyah (736hijrah) used to earn her living by stitching clothes and doing embroidery. According to abundant accounts available today, she held a special place in relating some parts of ahadith (ajzai hadith). While traveling in Damascus during 726 hijrah, Ibn e Batuta listened to her hadith lecture in the Bani Umaiyyah University.

Another lady Umm al Khair al Hijaziah was placed on the respected seat of teaching in Egyptian university of Amr bin al Aas.
During my quest for knowledge in Turkey, Egypt and Syria, I came across several letters (makhtootat) whose seal of sanad e sama’a (Certificate of attending the hadith sessions) shows that a large number of men and women attended these lectures that took place in different madaris. Women also held hadith gatherings over there. A lady named Umm e Abd Allah after teaching Ibn al Bukhari’s mushaikha, wrote a statement on its page number 250 which shows that she taught this book in a combined class of 50 men and women.


In the 7th century after hijrah, women’s fervor in the pursuit of Rasulallah(SAW)’s teachings did not lessen and they continued according to the method of the day, in which sama’a (attending) to hadith lectures, relating hadith and acquiring permission to relate them was a top priority. Musnada e Khurasan al Shariyah was one such famous lady of that time whose passing away resulted in the termination of the sanad e aali. Ayesha bint Moammar al Asbahaniyah was famous for relating ahadith from Musnad Abi Yaa’li and the renowned muhadith Ibn e Nuqta was one of her students.

Musnada e Syria was also a lady with distinctive qualities who had the permission of relating hadith from renowned scholars and she was never weary of relating hadith. Zainab al Makki always had crowds of students gathered outside her door. Another special lady was Shamiah ummatul Haque who related “ajza e hadith”(parts of hadith) and Ujaiba bint Mohammad al Baghdadiyah compiled her mushaikha in 10 volumes.


Several names of women can also be found in this regard, in the 8th and 9th centuries as well, a witness to the fact that the Prophet (saw)’s teachings still held a place of importance among them. Ibn e Hajar in his book ‘al darar al kaamnah writes the names of 170 women, who developed this field with their perseverance and enthusiasm. Goldzheir is also amazed at the interest shown by such a large number of women. Reading short autobiographies of these women, one finds out that Ibn e Hajar and a large number of his contemporaries and their teachers and students, all attended the hadith lectures of these ladies.

Studying the history of the eighth century, an interesting fact that emerges, is that the famous Huffaaz of these times, Muhadditheen, daughters of scholars and other family members, were all involved in serving hadith. The abundance in this century cannot be found in any other period of history. Some names worth mentioning in this context are: Isma bint Mohammad Abi al Mowaahib ibn Hasry, Ummatul Aziz bint al Zahbi, Fatima bint al Barzali, Isma bint Khalil bin Kaiklady al Alaai, Ruqaiyya bint ibn Daqeeq al Eed, Zainab bint Ibn Qadamah al Muqaddasi, Zainab bint ibn Jama’ah al Kanaani, Umm al Baha Zainab bint Ibn al Ajmee, Sat ul Na’am bint al Allama Najam ud din al Harani, Sat ul Wuzra bint Umar ibn Amanja satiah Taqi ud din al Subki, Satiah bint Najm ud din al Dimiyati, Ayesha bint Ibraheem (Hafiz al Mazi’s wife), Ayesha bint AbdAllah (Mohib ad din al Tabri’s granddaughter), Lawzah bint AbdAllah (molah Ibn Daqeeq al Eed), Sat ar Rakab (Ali ibn Hijr’s sister), and Zainab bint AbdAllah Taqi ud din (Ibn Taymiyah’s neice).

It was not only women who benefited from the educational capabilities of these women but men also gained from them in all periods. The teaching of Ayesha (r.a) to the Companions of the Prophet (SAW) is known to all, and this imparting of knowledge continued in later times as well.

The names of Umrah and Karimah al Maroziah have been mentioned earlier in regard to the countless number of people who attended their hadith lectures. The compiler of the history of Damascus, Ibn Asaakar mentions 80 women in his ‘mushaikha’ from whom he took lectures on hadith. Abu Tahir as Salfi in his books ‘Mushaikha al baghdadiyah’, ‘Maujam as Safar’ and ‘Mushaikha al asbahaniyah’, and Abu Sa’ad al Sama’ani in his book ‘al Khabir fi al Maujam al Kabir’, mentions about several ladies whom they consider their ‘shayookh’(teachers) from whom they either listened to hadith or got permission to relate.

Ibn Khulqaan, the compiler of ‘Wafiat ul A’ayaan’ was a student of Zainab al Sha’ary (524 hijrah). Even though Ibn e Batuta was not a Muhadith, in his enthusiasm to acquire the knowledge of hadith, he attended lectures of various men and women, especially Zainab bint Ahmad al Kamal (710 hijrah). The famous Muhadith of the 9th century, Afeef ad din Junaid attended Fatima bint Ahmad bin Qasim’s lectures of Sunan ad Darmi. Nafisa bint Ibraheem was a teacher of Barzaali and Zahbi and Haafiz al Iraaqi and al Haithmi were students of sat al Karb bint Mohammad al Bukhari.
Abd ar Rahman al Sakhawi (897hijrah) writes about the Muhadithaat in his famous book ‘Az Zu al Lama’a.

The last volume of this book is completely dedicated to women, majority of whom were connected to hadith in some manner. An ‘Index of Shayookh’ was written by Abd al Aziz Umar bin Fahad (881years after hijrah) in which out of 1100 shayookh, 130 are women, from whom he benefited in hadith and various sciences.
The amount of women working for the spread of the Prophet Muhammad (saw)’s teachings during the 9th century is considerably larger than in any other period, so reference to the famous women of this period will also be lengthy.

Here, for instance, I will mention only one teacher of Sakhawi and Ibn Hajar; Umm Haani Maryam bint Abd ar Rahman al Hooreeniyah (871AH). Apart from having an expertise in literature, poetry and calligraphy, she was a Haafiz e Quran and was proficient in various other Islamic sciences as well. She had the opportunity of receiving education in hadith in Cairo and Makkah. Other than giving lectures on hadith, she gave out permissions of relating hadith as well.

Another prominent name is of Maryam bint al Athra’eey who is considered to be an authority in this field. The abundance of her teachers can be ascertained from the fact that Ibn Hajar compiled their Index, and the amount of her students as well is countless.
After reading the books ‘Al e’ed’, history of Rusi ‘Alnoor al musaafir, Mahyi’s ‘Khulaasa al Akhbaar’ and Mohammad bin AbdAllah al Najdi’s ‘Al Sahab al Waabilah’, all written about, the ‘rijal e hadith’(Men who had the knowledge regarding Narrators of Ahadith at their finger tips) of the 10th, 11th and then the 12th centuries, it becomes apparent that the trend of women decreased in this field. The names of only 10 or 12 lady Muhaditheen can be found in these books However, it would be wrong to conclude that interest in hadith among the ladies became totally extinct.


The last link in this series was Fatima al Fuzailiyah (1247 AH), who was born in the later years of the 12th century. She was an expert calligraphist and copied many books with her own hands. She was very interested in hadith, took permission from many scholars, and became famous as a Muhadithah. The basic reason for the women to be left behind in this field is the low ratio in the rate of education, generally among the Muslim Ummah, and especially among the women. But the progress taking place in this century is promising. Trends are developing for the research and publication of the ‘makhtootat e hadith’of hadith books and specialization in hadith as well.

In the field of research, Bint al Shaaty and Ayesha Abdar Rahman of Egypt, Munirah Naaji and Bahijah al Hasni of Iraq, Sakinah al Shahabi of Syria and Jamilah Shaukat of Pakistan are prominent names. Iraq’s Khadijah al Hadlithi’s book ‘Mauqaf alnaha min al Ahtajaj bil Hadith al shareef’ is also an excellent example.
In the religious educational institutions of Muslim countries, as well as a few countries where Muslims are a minority, women are actively participating in acquiring and spreading the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s teachings. Other than the hadith lectures in the Islamic studies departments of different universities, the initiation of the department of hadith and tafseer on the graduate level, specially for women in the International Islamic University of Islamabad, is an important advancement.

The need of the day is that women face the challenges of the present age and set such brilliant examples of their knowledge and practice, which not only revives the practices of their forefathers, but is also able to return the lost position of the Muslim ummah, which is not possible without the proper knowledge, propagation and practice of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). (www.farhathashmi.com)


Having compared the non-Muslim and Muslim perspective, from different angles, it is important to state that there continues to be tremendous scope of improvement for the global Ummah. First of all we Muslims must be firm and assertive to clean the social backyard of our own Ummah. What we are referring to is to be assertive enough to STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT and TO SPEAK OUT AGAINST THE WRONG assertively and unabashedly, even though the perpetrators are misguided Muslims from our own faith.

For example, we should have never been silent when the Taliban in Afghanistan forcibly prevented our little sisters from receiving education. We should have also very assertively in all forms condemned Osama's crime of killing innocent people in 911 that had people of all faiths including our Bangladeshi brother Mohammed from New York who did his fajr prayers early in the morning and kissed his wife and left to work in the early hours of September 11 at the World Trade Center, little knowing that it was his last fajr prayers and last kiss and contact with his wife.

WE HUMBLY URGE THE GLOBAL UMMAH TO CONDEMN Anti-Islamic acts against women - Rape, Incest, Dowry Deaths & Bride Burnings, Acid Attacks, Honor Killing, Female Infanticide, Female Genital Mutilation, Stalking, Sexual Harassment, Assault/Battery and Sexual Slavery.

In a multi-religious world, we need to continue to build upon the INTERFAITH MOVEMENT. We love all of humanity including our own Ummah and also Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists et.c. LET US ALL HUMANS IRRESPECTIVE OF OUR RELIGION, GENDER, NATIONALITY, CULTURE et.c GET TOGETHER FOR THE COMMON GOOD OF HUMANITY.

As for Muslims, practicing Islam starts with the individual at the level of the smallest social unit - FAMILY. So how many of you readers are willing to make a sincere commitment to follow in the footsteps of our beloved Prophet Mohamed (SAW) in terms of not expressing aggression to our spouses, children and other family members and friends ? As far as the Editors are concerned, WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH, we are continuing to keep above commitment.

Feel free to e-mail your comments: amyusuf786@yahoo.com

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