Volume 158, November 21, 2010
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Editors: Mohamed & Rashida Ziauddin
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Editors: Mohamed & Rashida Ziauddin
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful
ISLAM IS A WAY A LIFE. This means that it incorporates various facets of life. We believe that following Islam through its various facets actually enhances one's emotional well being on an individual level and strengthens the community on a societal level. In this E-Zine we focus on real life social issues and emphasize that following Islam prevents us from multiple problems both on an individual and societal level.
Let us take children as an example. Islam strongly emphasizes on parents to be loving, caring to their children and guiding them in the right path. When that does not happen the child grows up with additional problems. This includes mental and physical problems to the child who grows up to be an adolescent and later an adult. We have also included other related topics including health, mental health and sexual health.
Let us take children as an example. Islam strongly emphasizes on parents to be loving, caring to their children and guiding them in the right path. When that does not happen the child grows up with additional problems. This includes mental and physical problems to the child who grows up to be an adolescent and later an adult. We have also included other related topics including health, mental health and sexual health.
Part A
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stated: "Be careful of your duty to Allah and be fair and just to the children”.
Prophet Mohamed (SAW) stated: “He who does not show compassion to our young, nor honor our elders, is not from us.” (Abu Dawood, Al-Tirmidhi)
Let's analyze the above hadith in which our loving Prophet encourages us to be fair, just and show compassion to our children. Prophet Mohamed (SAW) was the living Quran in terms of practically implementing values of love, care and affection for his own family members. Our loving Prophet NEVER abused any of his family members.
Obviously the above reference of being fair, just and compassionate includes NOT being physically or sexually abusive towards one's own kids. There is lot of emphasis both in the Holy Quran and Hadith about seeking knowledge. We believe seeking such knowledge also includes learning innovative behavioral techniques to raise our children in an Islamic way WITHOUT involving physical abuse. It is really sad that in this 21st century there are still millions of Muslim parents due to poverty of above innovative knowledge continue the outdated (and in many advanced countries illegal practice) of physical abuse.
As we referred to in our previous issue, the Muslims must expand its application of the concept of UMMAH in non-spiritual and non-ritual areas of knowledge that benefit everyone. How many Muslim Psychologists, Social Workers and/or Psychotherapists you personally know that are actively involved in their local Islamic Centers offering service to the community through individual and group counseling or at least giving professional advice to parents who have difficulty with their children. We believe that this is an area of improvement for the Global Ummah.
To summarize, we would like to connect the Islamic historical references to present day realities specially for Muslims in the West to state that one who violates above mentioned Prophet's recommendation is only creating more problems not only for himself (in terms of risking getting into legal problems for child abuse and receiving a jail term) but also for the family (kid being taken away by Division of Family Services) and most important of all, harm to the child in terms of ruining the child's healthy emotional development. Recent research outlined below further indicates that an abused child not only may develop psychiatric problems but may develop medical problems as well.
As we referred to in our previous issue, the Muslims must expand its application of the concept of UMMAH in non-spiritual and non-ritual areas of knowledge that benefit everyone. How many Muslim Psychologists, Social Workers and/or Psychotherapists you personally know that are actively involved in their local Islamic Centers offering service to the community through individual and group counseling or at least giving professional advice to parents who have difficulty with their children. We believe that this is an area of improvement for the Global Ummah.
To summarize, we would like to connect the Islamic historical references to present day realities specially for Muslims in the West to state that one who violates above mentioned Prophet's recommendation is only creating more problems not only for himself (in terms of risking getting into legal problems for child abuse and receiving a jail term) but also for the family (kid being taken away by Division of Family Services) and most important of all, harm to the child in terms of ruining the child's healthy emotional development. Recent research outlined below further indicates that an abused child not only may develop psychiatric problems but may develop medical problems as well.
Child Abuse Linked to Increased Risk for Type 2 Diabetes in Adults
Caroline Cassels
(condensed version)
Caroline Cassels
(condensed version)
November 10, 2010 — Women who experience physical or sexual abuse as children or adolescents are at significantly increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a large, longitudinal cohort study suggests.
Furthermore, investigators found there is a dose response relationship such that the more severe the abuse, the greater the risk. The latest findings from the Nurses Health Study II show moderate or severe physical abuse was associated with a 26% to 54% higher risk for diabetes in adulthood.
Unwanted sexual touching was associated with a 16% higher risk for the disease. Forced sexual activity before adulthood carried a 34% increased risk if it occurred once and but carried a 69% greater risk if it occurred more frequently.
Furthermore, investigators found there is a dose response relationship such that the more severe the abuse, the greater the risk. The latest findings from the Nurses Health Study II show moderate or severe physical abuse was associated with a 26% to 54% higher risk for diabetes in adulthood.
Unwanted sexual touching was associated with a 16% higher risk for the disease. Forced sexual activity before adulthood carried a 34% increased risk if it occurred once and but carried a 69% greater risk if it occurred more frequently.
Childhood Sexual Abuse Linked to Later Schizophrenia
Deborah Brauser
medscape.com (condensed version)
Deborah Brauser
medscape.com (condensed version)
November 12, 2010 — Victims of childhood sexual abuse (CSA), especially when it involves penetration, are at a significant risk of developing psychosis later in life, suggests a new case-control study from Australian researchers.
In addition, when evaluating the cohort of more than 2700 children, investigators found that CSA victims were 2.6 times more likely to develop schizophrenia later on. Other significant risk factors included CSA occurring after the age of 12 years and involving more than 1 perpetrator.
"This study establishes that severe and intrusive forms of CSA are a risk factor for developing in later life psychotic illness, including schizophrenic disorders," write Margaret C. Cutajar, DPsych, MAPS, from the Center for Forensic Behavioral Science at Monash University in Victoria, Australia, and colleagues.
In addition, when evaluating the cohort of more than 2700 children, investigators found that CSA victims were 2.6 times more likely to develop schizophrenia later on. Other significant risk factors included CSA occurring after the age of 12 years and involving more than 1 perpetrator.
"This study establishes that severe and intrusive forms of CSA are a risk factor for developing in later life psychotic illness, including schizophrenic disorders," write Margaret C. Cutajar, DPsych, MAPS, from the Center for Forensic Behavioral Science at Monash University in Victoria, Australia, and colleagues.
Part B
(Ed Note:
We believe that in a Muslim family, where the parents are practicing Muslims and exemplary role models for their kids, their teens should generally be free from below problems. It would be hard to believe that a good Muslim teenager who prays five times a day, does Zikr in his or her free time, who regularly participates in various local Islamic student activities at local Islamic Center, participates in Quran Reading competition et.c. would be having problems with hyper-texting, sex, drugs or sexually intimate relationships. In particular please note in the third paragraph below the statement that "a significant number of teens"..."have permissive or absent parents").
Sex, Drugs More Common in Hyper-Texting Teens
November 9, 2010
(condensed version)
Associated Press
ATLANTA (AP) -- Teens who text 120 times a day or more -- and there seems to be a lot of them -- are more likely to have had sex or used alcohol and drugs than kids who don't send as many messages, according to provocative new research.
The study's authors aren't suggesting that "hyper-texting" leads to sex, drinking or drugs, but say it's startling to see an apparent link between excessive messaging and that kind of risky behavior.
The study concludes that a significant number of teens are very susceptible to peer pressure and also have permissive or absent parents, said Dr. Scott Frank, the study's lead author.
It found that about one in five students were hyper-texters and about one in nine are hyper-networkers -- those who spend three or more hours a day on Facebook and other social networking websites.
About one in 25 fall into both categories.
(Ed Note:
We believe that in a Muslim family, where the parents are practicing Muslims and exemplary role models for their kids, their teens should generally be free from below problems. It would be hard to believe that a good Muslim teenager who prays five times a day, does Zikr in his or her free time, who regularly participates in various local Islamic student activities at local Islamic Center, participates in Quran Reading competition et.c. would be having problems with hyper-texting, sex, drugs or sexually intimate relationships. In particular please note in the third paragraph below the statement that "a significant number of teens"..."have permissive or absent parents").
Sex, Drugs More Common in Hyper-Texting Teens
November 9, 2010
(condensed version)
Associated Press
ATLANTA (AP) -- Teens who text 120 times a day or more -- and there seems to be a lot of them -- are more likely to have had sex or used alcohol and drugs than kids who don't send as many messages, according to provocative new research.
The study's authors aren't suggesting that "hyper-texting" leads to sex, drinking or drugs, but say it's startling to see an apparent link between excessive messaging and that kind of risky behavior.
The study concludes that a significant number of teens are very susceptible to peer pressure and also have permissive or absent parents, said Dr. Scott Frank, the study's lead author.
It found that about one in five students were hyper-texters and about one in nine are hyper-networkers -- those who spend three or more hours a day on Facebook and other social networking websites.
About one in 25 fall into both categories.
Hyper-texting and hyper-networking were more common among girls, minorities, kids whose parents have less education and students from a single-mother household, the study found.
Frank's study is billed as one of the first studies to look at texting and social networking and whether they are linked to actual sexual intercourse or to other risky behaviors.
The study found those who text at least 120 times a day are nearly three-and-a-half times more likely to have had sex than their peers who don't text that much. Hyper-texters were also more likely to have been in a physical fight, binge drink, use illegal drugs or take medication without a prescription.
Compared to the heavy texters, the hyper-networkers were not as likely to have had sex, but more likely to have been involved in other risky behaviors like drinking or fighting.
Other studies have tied teen texting to risky or lewd behavior. A Pew Research Center study found that about one-third of 16- and 17-year-olds send texts while driving. And an Associated Press-MTV poll found that about one-quarter of teenagers have "sexted" -- shared sexually explicit photos, videos and chat by cell phone or online.
(ED Note: Below article further highlights the importance for Muslims to be firm in following the commandments of Allah that are mentioned in the Holy Quran).
"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth God Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider.
(The Noble Quran, 2:219)"
High-profile televised poker tournaments, family trips to the racetrack and video games all contribute to a culture of gambling that can take teens down a dangerous path, says Dr. Bruce Ballon, head of the centre's teen clinic for problem gambling, gaming and Internet use.
"Even though it seems very minor and fun, they're being primed and trained to think gambling is a natural thing without thinking about what that means," he said.
The findings show there is real harm involved with gambling and it needs to be addressed in the home, in schools and in society as a whole, he said.
One of the study's goals is to spotlight other risky or destructive behaviours that often go with problem gambling, said Mann, the researcher.
"If you look at the general population of students, about 26 per cent have some kind of issue with some kind of substance, whether they reported a binge drinking pattern, which is relatively common, or using cannabis or some other drugs," he said.
"Among those with a gambling problem, it turns out 68.5 per cent have a problem with a substance like alcohol or cannabis."
Problem gamblers admitted to stealing, vandalizing property and selling drugs. They were 11 times more likely to carry a handgun or get involved in a gang fight, and 20 times more likely to sell drugs other than cannabis, according to the study.
"There's a consistent theme here about these students involved in delinquent behaviours related to obtaining money," Mann said.
Even more troubling, students reporting a gambling problem were approximately 17 times more likely than their peers to have attempted suicide in the past year. About a quarter of problem gamblers said they had tried to kill themselves, compared with about two per cent of the general student population, Mann said.
PART CFrank's study is billed as one of the first studies to look at texting and social networking and whether they are linked to actual sexual intercourse or to other risky behaviors.
The study found those who text at least 120 times a day are nearly three-and-a-half times more likely to have had sex than their peers who don't text that much. Hyper-texters were also more likely to have been in a physical fight, binge drink, use illegal drugs or take medication without a prescription.
Compared to the heavy texters, the hyper-networkers were not as likely to have had sex, but more likely to have been involved in other risky behaviors like drinking or fighting.
Other studies have tied teen texting to risky or lewd behavior. A Pew Research Center study found that about one-third of 16- and 17-year-olds send texts while driving. And an Associated Press-MTV poll found that about one-quarter of teenagers have "sexted" -- shared sexually explicit photos, videos and chat by cell phone or online.
Part B-2
(ED Note: Below article further highlights the importance for Muslims to be firm in following the commandments of Allah that are mentioned in the Holy Quran).
"They ask thee concerning wine and gambling. Say: "In them is great sin, and some profit, for men; but the sin is greater than the profit." They ask thee how much they are to spend; Say: "What is beyond your needs." Thus doth God Make clear to you His Signs: In order that ye may consider.
(The Noble Quran, 2:219)"
"O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination,- of Satan's handwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?
(The Noble Quran, 5:90-91)"Substance Abuse, Suicide Linked to Student Gambling
Nov. 16 2010
The Canadian Press
(condensed version)
The Canadian Press
(condensed version)
TORONTO — A new study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health shows some 29,000 Ontario middle and high school students report behaviours linked with problem gambling.
Dr. Robert Mann, the study's lead researcher, says close to three per cent of students in Grades 7 to 12 showed signs of a gambling problem, such as gambling more than they planned to or skipping school to gamble.
Those students also reported higher rates of substance abuse, delinquent behaviour and suicide attempts than the general student population.
The study released Tuesday is the latest to call attention to an addiction experts say is often overshadowed by well-known vices such as drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
Dr. Robert Mann, the study's lead researcher, says close to three per cent of students in Grades 7 to 12 showed signs of a gambling problem, such as gambling more than they planned to or skipping school to gamble.
Those students also reported higher rates of substance abuse, delinquent behaviour and suicide attempts than the general student population.
The study released Tuesday is the latest to call attention to an addiction experts say is often overshadowed by well-known vices such as drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.
High-profile televised poker tournaments, family trips to the racetrack and video games all contribute to a culture of gambling that can take teens down a dangerous path, says Dr. Bruce Ballon, head of the centre's teen clinic for problem gambling, gaming and Internet use.
"Even though it seems very minor and fun, they're being primed and trained to think gambling is a natural thing without thinking about what that means," he said.
The findings show there is real harm involved with gambling and it needs to be addressed in the home, in schools and in society as a whole, he said.
One of the study's goals is to spotlight other risky or destructive behaviours that often go with problem gambling, said Mann, the researcher.
"If you look at the general population of students, about 26 per cent have some kind of issue with some kind of substance, whether they reported a binge drinking pattern, which is relatively common, or using cannabis or some other drugs," he said.
"Among those with a gambling problem, it turns out 68.5 per cent have a problem with a substance like alcohol or cannabis."
Problem gamblers admitted to stealing, vandalizing property and selling drugs. They were 11 times more likely to carry a handgun or get involved in a gang fight, and 20 times more likely to sell drugs other than cannabis, according to the study.
"There's a consistent theme here about these students involved in delinquent behaviours related to obtaining money," Mann said.
Even more troubling, students reporting a gambling problem were approximately 17 times more likely than their peers to have attempted suicide in the past year. About a quarter of problem gamblers said they had tried to kill themselves, compared with about two per cent of the general student population, Mann said.
Men Who Use Laptops On Their Knees 'Could Be Harming Their Fertility'
Daily Mail Reporter,
Nov 8, 2010
Daily Mail Reporter,
Nov 8, 2010
Millions of men are putting their reproductive health at risk by balancing their laptops on their knees, experts have warned.
Researchers from the State University of New York asked 29 young men to work on computers placed on their laps. They then measured the change in temperature in their genital area. Men who use laptops on their knees be warned - it increases the temperature of your testicles by 2.5C over an hour. They found that the volunteer's testicles quickly heated up to dangerous levels, even when they had protective pads underneath their laptops.
Researchers from the State University of New York asked 29 young men to work on computers placed on their laps. They then measured the change in temperature in their genital area. Men who use laptops on their knees be warned - it increases the temperature of your testicles by 2.5C over an hour. They found that the volunteer's testicles quickly heated up to dangerous levels, even when they had protective pads underneath their laptops.
Study leader, Professor Yelim Sheynkin, said: 'Millions and millions of men are using laptops now, especially those in the reproductive age range. 'Within 10 or 15 minutes their scrotal temperature is already above what we consider safe, but they don't feel it.'
Around one in seven couples in the UK have trouble conceiving and male infertility plays a part in around half of these cases.
Under normal circumstances, the position of the testicles outside the body keeps them a few degrees cooler than the inside of the body, which is necessary for sperm production.
No studies have yet researched how laptops affect male fertility, but earlier research has showed that warming the scrotum even more than one degree Celsius is enough to damage sperm.
The latest study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, found the mens' testicle temperature had risen by up to 2.5 C after holding a laptop on their knees for an hour.
Professor Sheynkin said: 'I wouldn't say that if someone starts to use laptops they will become infertile.'
However, he warned that frequent use might contribute to reproductive problems because 'the scrotum doesn't have time to cool down.'No studies have yet researched how laptops affect male fertility, but earlier research has showed that warming the scrotum even more than one degree Celsius is enough to damage sperm.
The latest study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, found the mens' testicle temperature had risen by up to 2.5 C after holding a laptop on their knees for an hour.
Professor Sheynkin said: 'I wouldn't say that if someone starts to use laptops they will become infertile.'
High Work Stress Significantly Raises Women's Heart Disease Risk
Christian Nordqvist
(condensed version)
Nov 15, 2010
(condensed version)
Nov 15, 2010
Women are 40% more likely to have heart attacks, ischemic stroke, require treatment for blocked arteries and suffer from cardiovascular disease if they are in highly stressful jobs, compared to women whose occupations are not stressful, researchers at and Women's Hospital, Boston, Mass., USA explained at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2010, Chicago today.
The presenters added that fear job insecurity is associated with a higher risk of hypertension (high blood pressure, raised blood cholesterol levels and overweight.
The researchers referred to job strain, which is when the job demands are high and job decision latitude is low. In other words, when a person has a demanding job but lacks the decision-making authority or chances to apply their own individual or creative skills.
Newly Discovered Physical Benefits of Orgasms
(Ed Note:
Islam encourages early marriage contingent upon several feasible and practical factors. Except during the period of fasting in the month of Ramadan, Islam places very few restrictions on sexual activities between a husband and wife. Needless to say for good sexual health they are free to enjoy sex with each other and below are newly discovered physical benefits of Orgasms)
Islam encourages early marriage contingent upon several feasible and practical factors. Except during the period of fasting in the month of Ramadan, Islam places very few restrictions on sexual activities between a husband and wife. Needless to say for good sexual health they are free to enjoy sex with each other and below are newly discovered physical benefits of Orgasms)
Newly Discovered Physical Benefits of Orgasms
There have been some new studies that identify physical benefits that result from the orgasmic process in addition to the increasing of longevity, as cited in Sexual Orgasm Increases Longevity (also in this section).
(1) Benefits To The Heart
During arousal and orgasm the body produces DHEA, a naturally occurring hormone that is secreted into the bloodstream. Research has shown that DHEA works to keep arteries clear and strengthen hearts. In a study of 1,700 middle-age men, those men with the lowest levels of DHEA were 60% more likely to develop heart disease than sexually active men with high levels.
(2) Benefits to the Physical Comfort
In some colorful lab studies, women, who had vibrators applied to the vaginas, were capable of bearing more pain. And when their stimulation led to orgasm, their capacity for pain doubled! Another small study found that orgasms enabled relief for women who suffer from migraines.
(3) Benefits to Men’s Prostates
Two big medical studies, conducted in 2003 and 2004, confirmed that middle-age men, who were highly sexually active in their 20s and 30s (enjoying at least four orgasms a week), now had a reduced risk of prostate cancer by a margin of one-third. Doctors theorize that ejaculations may clear the prostate of carcinogens.
(4) Benefits to Breasts
During sexual arousal and orgasm, a hormone called oxytocin is released . Now this hormone has been connected to a reduced risk of breast cancer. What’s more, this applies not only to women, but also to men. A study in Greece discovered that men with a history of fewer orgasms contracted breast cancer, as opposed to men who experienced more orgasmic activity. An earlier study speculated that the hormone oxytocin works to flush out carcinogens from breast fluid.
(5) Overall Health
A 10-year study from Wales, which is an additional study to those cited in Sexual Orgasm Increases Longevity, revealed that men who had two or more orgasms per week were at half the risk of dying than other less sexually active men. Similar results were also found in the studies presented in the other referenced article.
(1) Benefits To The Heart
During arousal and orgasm the body produces DHEA, a naturally occurring hormone that is secreted into the bloodstream. Research has shown that DHEA works to keep arteries clear and strengthen hearts. In a study of 1,700 middle-age men, those men with the lowest levels of DHEA were 60% more likely to develop heart disease than sexually active men with high levels.
(2) Benefits to the Physical Comfort
In some colorful lab studies, women, who had vibrators applied to the vaginas, were capable of bearing more pain. And when their stimulation led to orgasm, their capacity for pain doubled! Another small study found that orgasms enabled relief for women who suffer from migraines.
(3) Benefits to Men’s Prostates
Two big medical studies, conducted in 2003 and 2004, confirmed that middle-age men, who were highly sexually active in their 20s and 30s (enjoying at least four orgasms a week), now had a reduced risk of prostate cancer by a margin of one-third. Doctors theorize that ejaculations may clear the prostate of carcinogens.
(4) Benefits to Breasts
During sexual arousal and orgasm, a hormone called oxytocin is released . Now this hormone has been connected to a reduced risk of breast cancer. What’s more, this applies not only to women, but also to men. A study in Greece discovered that men with a history of fewer orgasms contracted breast cancer, as opposed to men who experienced more orgasmic activity. An earlier study speculated that the hormone oxytocin works to flush out carcinogens from breast fluid.
(5) Overall Health
A 10-year study from Wales, which is an additional study to those cited in Sexual Orgasm Increases Longevity, revealed that men who had two or more orgasms per week were at half the risk of dying than other less sexually active men. Similar results were also found in the studies presented in the other referenced article.
Iran Has a Dancing, Humanoid Robot
(University of Tehran Researchers at Tehran University, in Iran, unveiled last month an adult-sized humanoid robot called Surena 2)
Aug 17, 2010
Robot researchers at Iran's Tehran University unveiled a life-size robot named Surena 2 during the country's celebration of "Industry and Mine Day" in July. New details and videos released Monday of the robot reveal more details about its capabilities -- which appear to include dancing.
In one of the videos, released by IEEE Spectrum magazine, the researchers demonstrate Surena 2 on a TV show, where the robot walks, dances, and balances on one leg.
The robot is a joint project between the Center for Advanced Vehicles and the R&D Society of Iranian Industries and Mines. Aghil Yousefi-Koma, a professor of engineering at the University of Tehran who lead the Surena project, told IEEE Spectrum that the goal is to explore "both theoretical and experimental aspects of bipedal locomotion."
The humanoid relies on gyroscopes and accelerometers to remain in balance and move its legs, still very slowly, but Yousefi-Koma says his team is developing a "feedback control system that provides dynamic balance, yielding a much more human-like motion."
Surena 2, which weighs just under 100 pounds and is 4.75 feet high, has a total of 22 degrees of freedom: Each leg has 6 DOF, each arm 4 DOF, and the head 2 DOF. An operator uses a remote control to make the robot walk and move its arms and head. The robot can also bow.

Aug 17, 2010
Robot researchers at Iran's Tehran University unveiled a life-size robot named Surena 2 during the country's celebration of "Industry and Mine Day" in July. New details and videos released Monday of the robot reveal more details about its capabilities -- which appear to include dancing.
In one of the videos, released by IEEE Spectrum magazine, the researchers demonstrate Surena 2 on a TV show, where the robot walks, dances, and balances on one leg.
The robot is a joint project between the Center for Advanced Vehicles and the R&D Society of Iranian Industries and Mines. Aghil Yousefi-Koma, a professor of engineering at the University of Tehran who lead the Surena project, told IEEE Spectrum that the goal is to explore "both theoretical and experimental aspects of bipedal locomotion."
The humanoid relies on gyroscopes and accelerometers to remain in balance and move its legs, still very slowly, but Yousefi-Koma says his team is developing a "feedback control system that provides dynamic balance, yielding a much more human-like motion."
Surena 2, which weighs just under 100 pounds and is 4.75 feet high, has a total of 22 degrees of freedom: Each leg has 6 DOF, each arm 4 DOF, and the head 2 DOF. An operator uses a remote control to make the robot walk and move its arms and head. The robot can also bow.

May 16: I-Fairy, a four-foot tall seated robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails, wearing a wreath of flowers, directs a wedding ceremony for groom Tomohiro Shibata, 42, and bride Satoko Inouye, 36, at a Tokyo restaurant Sunday. The wedding was the first time a marriage had been led by a robot, according to manufacturer Kokoro Co. Source: AP

May 16: Bride Satoko Inouye, 36, puts a ring on a finger of her groom Tomohiro Shibata 42, as I-Fairy, a four-foot tall seated robot, wearing a wreath of flowers, directs their wedding ceremony at a Tokyo restaurant Sunday.

May 16: I-Fairy, left, a four-foot tall seated robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails, directs a wedding ceremony for groom Tomohiro Shibata 42, and bride Satoko Inouye, 36, at a Tokyo restaurant Sunday.
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