
Volume 103, October 31, 2009

Editors: Mohamed & Rashida Ziauddin

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


The AMHP (American Muslim Health Professionals) is an Islamic Professional organization that is of great help to the entire American Muslim Ummah. They have organized and participated in several activities. One such interfaith activity in which they have participated is indicated below.


Please Join Us on Oct. 20th | National Day of Remembrance & Hope

Please join us on Oct. 20th with your own activities in remembrance of the 45,000 people who die each year due to the lack of access to health care and in support for health care reform ...and forward this message to all you know!

Thank you,


It barely made the news. Oh, it appeared in some internet lists of reports and such, but it was largely ignored by the mainstream media. Sadly, the Harvard report that nearly 45,000 people die each year in the U.S. because they can not access needed health care was barely noticed. In the midst of historic public discourse about reforming our nation's broken health care system, the persons who are dying are invisible to most of us.

What are the names of those who have died? What impact have these deaths had on the lives of their family and friends? What did clergy say to their communities of faith at the time of such tragedy?

As people of faith, it is these folks and the millions of others who cannot get needed health care who call us into our advocacy for health care reform. It is the injustice of unnecessary death in the midst of abundance that calls us to promote a health care future that is shaped by values that are common to our faith teachings.

Faithful Reform in Health Care and its member organizations will sponsor a National Day of Remembrance and Hope to tell the stories of the victims of U.S. health care and remember them in prayer on October 20. Set to coincide with activities planned on the same date by many other organizations, this National Day of Remembrance and Hope will be the faith community's effort to say, "We won't forget!" It will be our opportunity to commit to continuing our work in hopeful expectation for comprehensive and compassionate health care reform.

Your help is needed TODAY to make this happen!

Offer your building -- your church, synagogue, mosque or temple -- as a place for a Service of Remembrance and Hope or other activity on October 20. We'll help you make it happen with a Tool Kit of resources, including templates for services, media advisories and conference calls in which those planning events can talk to each other. Sign up today, even if you don't have all the details, to demonstrate the depth and breadth of concern for the victims of U.S. health care. Sign up for an event

Share the stories those who have died. Help us put faces on the tragic statistics.
These stories will be collected and shared in Services of Remembrance and Hope throughout the country.

Not much time for planning? True. A lot to ask in just three weeks? Yes. But we
have no choice. And... we CAN do it! The next few weeks will be critical in the health care debate as the proposals move toward their final language. Legislation that reflects our values will require our voices.

Please join us.

Join the growing list of sponsors

American Muslim Health Professionals

Buddhist Peace Fellowship

California Church IMPACT

California Council of Churches

Catholic Healthcare West

Colorado Council of Churches

Faithful Reform in Health Care

Mennonite Central Committee Washington Office

National Episcopal Health Ministries

New Mexico Conference of Churches

People of Faith of Greater Binghamton, Binghamton, NY

Progressive National Baptist Convention

United Church of Christ Justice and Witness Ministries

United Methodist Church General Board of Church and Society

Washington Association of Churches

Wisconsin Council of Churches


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