Volume 99, October 3, 2009
Editors: Mohamed & Rashida Ziauddin
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful
LONDON is the model city for not only for the western world but the entire world in terms of the diversity of Islamic activities offered. Below is a sample of activities for the week beginning Friday October 2009.
1) Islamic Circles with the Canary Wharf Muslim Association [WharfMA] presents:2) WOMEN SCHOLARS OF ISLAM - PAST, PRESENT AND THE FUTUREWith'Alimah Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley*Shaykh Dr Muhammad Akram Nadwi [Nadwatul‘Ulama, OXCIS]*Date: Wednesday 14th October 2009Time: 6.15pm - 9pmVenue: Idea Store Canary Wharf, Churchill Place,Canary Wharf, London E14 5RBDespite constituting more than half the Ummah and being the most active part of it, there are very few Muslim women scholars today. In earlier generations after the Prophet the teachers of many companions, tabi'een, great imams and revivers were women.
How can sisters become real shaykhas or women scholars? What is required of them and what is happening to women scholars in the Muslim Ummah today? Is anything being done to help increase their numbers? Is it practically possible in the West with domestic obligations and other family commitments?
This short course has been organised and will look at historical perspectives, the current situation and the future.
'Alimah Aisha Abdurrahman Bewley is one today's most prolific translators of classical Arabic works into English. Aisha Bewley not only understands Arabic but is also aware of the significance and context of the teachings and history of Islam. Her knowledge is born of experience and direct transmission, not merely academic theory and learning by rote. For more than twenty-five years she has been concerned with making the contents of many classical works in Arabic more accessible to English-speaking readers for the first time, including Al-Muwatta' of Imam Malik and Ash-Shifá of Qádi 'Iyad.
Shaykh Dr Muhammad Akram Nadwi studied and taught Shari’a at the prestigious Nadwatul ‘Ulama (India). A Muhaddith specialising in ‘Ilm al-Rijal (the study of the narrators of Hadith), Shaykh Akram has ijaza (licenses) from renowned mashayakh, including Abul Hasan Ali Al-Nadwi, Abdul-Fattah Abu Ghuddah and Yusuf al-Qaradawi. He has authored and translated over 20 titles on Fiqh, Qur’an and Hadith including his monumental 40 volume work on Al-Muhaddithaat - The Lives of Female Scholars of Hadith. Shaykh Akram is a research fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, Oxford University.
The course is open all, men and women. Limited spaces only and via bookings.
To book for more information please contact:
Tel: 07837 645 758 / 07956 983 609
E-mail: courses@wharfma.com
Website: www.wharfma.com
Islamic Circles presents:
by Professor Ilber Ortayli (Director of the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul)*
Date: Saturday 24th October 2009
Time: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Venue: Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX
The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader its leader shall be, and what a wonderful army that army will be!" (Musnad Ahmad)
'Just as there is a single sun in the sky, so too there should be a single state and a single religion in the world' - Sultan Muhammed Al Fatih (rh) Conqueror of Istanbul
Spanning three continents over a period of six centuries, the Ottoman Caliphate was one the longest lasting empires in history. This short, intensive course aims to cover the following:
- Rise and Fall of the Ottomans
- Conquest of Constantinople in 1453
- The Great Sultans
- Political, Social and Administrative Structure
- Culture and Art
- Relationship between various Muslim states and other nations
Professor Ilber Ortayli is one of the worlds leading Ottoman historians. Widely known as a polyglot speaking over a dozen languages and author of many publications and books on the Ottomans. He has served in many universities including Princeton, Moscow, Cambridge, Oxford and is an executive committee member of the International Ottoman Studies Association. Currently, he is president of the Topkapi Palace Museum which was the official and primary residence of the Ottoman Sultans and contains the Prophet Muhammed's (saw) cloak and sword. He is also one of the key academic consultants for the forthcoming film on the great Ottoman Sultan, Muhammad Fatih (rh) conqueror
of Constantinople (Istanbul).
This course is open to all but spaces are limited. Entry is through prior registration only.
For bookings and further information please contact:
Tel: 07956 983 609
E-mail: courses@islamiccircles.org
Website: www.islamiccourses.org
Islamic Circles Presents
Delivered by The Ibn Jabal Institute (www.ibnjabal.com)
Dates: Saturday 24th October 2009 - Saturday 13th February 2010
Times: 2pm - 5pm
Venue: Froud Centre, Romford Road, Manor Park, London E12 5JF
A 15-week Level 1 Intensive Classical Arabic course where we expose participants to most of the general paradigms of Arabic grammar, syntax and morphology, including the 10 most common forms of the Arabic verb and the 9 derivations of each form. By the end of the course, students should be able to read simple Arabic texts using the help of a dictionary; be capable of basic conversation using simple vocabulary; be able to translate sentences; be able to read sentences in Arabic and translate them into English; have developed a vocabulary of approximately 500 words; be familiar with most of the general grammatical structures and syntax;
master the ten most common forms of the Arabic verb and the nine derivations of each form.
To book or for more information please contact:
E-mail: arabic@islamiccircles.org
Website: www.ibnjabal.com
Islamic Circles presents
Sister Aishah Zhao, (Peking University, Zheng He Foundation)*
Sister Fatima (Jingjing Wang) (Zheng He Foundation)*
Dates: Sunday 25th October - 27th December 2009
Time: 9am- 11am
Venue: Froud Centre, Romford Road, Manor Park, London, E12 5JF
This course is open to all and, if successful, regular classes would be organised for both children and adults. In this introductory Mandarin Level 1 course participants will be taught how to write the commonly used Chinese radicals which still form the basis of modern Chinese writing. By mastering these radicals
students will learn other ideographs more easily and learn how to use a Chinese/English dictionary. Students will also learn to converse in everyday situations. The approach used to teach writing, reading and conversing is based on accelerated learning principles. The following aspects are to be covered:
Course Aims:
• Enable students to communicate on a basic level
• Increase students' understanding of Chinese people, their way of
life and appreciation of cultural diversity and history of China
• Construct the curriculum based on students' needs and interests
• Provide learning experiences based on real life situations
Learning Skills
• Listening - comprehend basic oral communication within the range
of topics and functions
• Speaking - concentrate on the accuracy of the tonal system of the
Chinese language and situational dialogues
• Reading - read in Pinyin and be able to comprehend most of the
material in the topics and functions covered in the course
• Writing - learn the basic radicals of Chinese characters
and remembered in a meaningful way
To book or for more information please contact:
Tel: 07531 615 389 / 07956 983 609
E-mail: zhenghefoundation@gmail.com
Website: www.zhenghe.org.uk
Islamic Circles presents:
Delivered by Sister Sara Malik, Surrendered Wife Trainer (UK)*
Date: Saturday 5th December 2009
Time: 10am - 5pm
Venue: Froud Centre, Romford Road, Manor Park, London, E12 5JF
The Prophet saw said: “Everyone of you is a guardian and is responsible for his charges. The ruler who has authority over people is a guardian And is responsible for them, A man is a guardian of his family And is responsible for them; A woman is a guardian of her husband's house and children And is responsible for them; A slave is a guardian of his master's property And is responsible for it; So all of you are guardians and are responsible for your charges." (Bukhari 730)
During the one-day workshop, women learn all about the concept of ‘surrender’
and unravel the myths around it. Throughout the course of the day, women learn
new ways that directly contribute to happiness and intimacy in a marriage; from
learning way they could receive better, to looking after themselves more effectively. They explore ways they can express themselves more effectively and how to successfully get their needs met.
The workshop sheds light on how men feel around the topics of control and respect, aswell as helping them realise the significance of showing gratitude in a marriage. Although this workshop does not replace the in-depth investigation that the on-line Seminar provides, it is a perfect introduction into the principles of surrendering, and the ways to go about it.
*Sara Malik is a certified women’s relationship trainer, who leads women through on-line seminars, one-day workshops, one-on-one telephone support and a web-based support group. She helps and guides women transform their marriages with the principles of the bestselling book The Surrendered Wife, by Laura Doyle. Sara successfully applies the principles of surrendering in her flourishing and intimate marriage of 12 years, and resides in West London with her husband, three boys, and her parents in-law. Her aim is to teach women that they can have it all: inner peace, self-accomplishment, a thriving marriage, happy children, and a successful extended family. And Allah alone gives success. For more information please visit the website at www.surrenderedwife.com
All women welcome and entrance by bookings only.
To BOOK or for more information please contact:
Tel: 07917 034 530
E-mail: surrenderedwife@islamiccircles.org
************ EVENTS IN LONDONISTAN IN DETAIL *************************
Date: Friday 2nd October 2009
Time: 6.00 pm
Venue: Powerleague, Jenkins Lane, Barking, Essex, IG11 0AD
A team entry fee of £50 is recommended and a maximum of 8 players. There are only limited places. Teams can only be confirmed once payment has been received. There will be a food stall and various refreshments available at the venue, insha-Allah. All proceeds go to charity.
For registration and more information please contact:
Tel: 079404 032 81 / 07946 297 227 / 07932 715 922
E-mail: gulraz_g@hotmail.com
The City Circle presents:
By Imam Shahnawaz Haque
Date: Friday 2nd October 2009
Time: 6.30-8.30pm
Venue: Abrar House, 45 Crawford Place, london W1H 4LP
Shahnawaz will offer some observations and reflections on a number of problematic or puzzling aspects of behaviour - based on partly or deeply unconscious processes - affecting the Muslim community and including some darker and not-so talked-about areas. The speaker will, inshaa'Allah, also attempt to offer ways of understanding and tackling such difficulties.
Shahnawaz Haque has for several years been a Friday Imam and Khateeb at a number of mosques - currently four - in Essex and East London. Shahnawaz graduated in Physics from Cambridge University in 1985. After a few years of working in the City he trained and qualified as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. He has been working therapeutically with the Muslim community for approximately fifteen years and has a private practice as an 'Islamic Psychotherapist'. Additionally he is involved with Respond (an organisation providing psychotherapy for people with learning disabilities who have been sexually traumatised) and with the Clinic for Dissociative Studies (who specialise in dissociative disorders including what used to be known as multiple personality disorder).
All welcome and free entrance
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07733932134
E-mail: rabia.malik.cc@gmail.com
with Ustadh Abu Talha
Date: Friday 2nd October 2009
Time: 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Venue: Holborn Mosque, 33 Brookes Court, Baldwins Gardens, off Gray's Inn Road, London, EC1N 7RR
In the month of Ramadan your Iman is high, Qur'an is being recited every day, Salah is being performed, people are asking Allah for forgiveness, masajid are full even in Fajr, and we can go on and on about the constant ibadah. Now that Ramadan has quickly gone, let's ask ourselves these questions - did we make the most of our blessed month? Are we gonna let the Qur'ans sit on the shelves and catch dust again? Are we not gonna do our prayers? Are we now gonna abandon the masjids? Are we still gonna ask Allah (swt) for forgiveness?!
Just because the month of Ramadan has gone, it doesn't mean we go back to our usual ways. Allah will still look at our actions. However we should use Ramadan as a stepping stone to become good Muslims, inshaAllah. Ask yourself this one question - Are you a Ramadan Muslim?
Come to a short talk by Brother Abu Talha held at Holborn Mosque. We hope to see you all there. Unfortunately, apologies to sisters as we can only accommodate brothers at the venue. However, please invite your brothers and male family members to come along. Free event with refreshments provided.
For further information contact:
Tel: 07961 725 353
E-mail: info@holbornmuslmcircles.org
Website: www.holbornmuslimcircles.org
Khairat Foundation presents:
With Shaykh Muhammad Habibur Rahman Saheb (Bangladesh)*
Date: Every Saturday from the 3rd of October 2009
until the entire book is covered.
Venue: Darul Hadis Latifiah, 1 Cornwall Avenue, London E2 0HW
Originally from Bangladesh, was an ex-Qadi of Dubai. Student of Saheb Qibla Fultali and has ijazas from Sayyid Mufti Amimul Ihsan Mujaddidi Barkati, Shaykh Muhammad ibn Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki, Bahr-ul-Uloom Maulana Muhammad Hussain Sylheti, Maulana Muhammad Sa'eed al-Jarabuwi, Maulana Shafeeq-ul-Haq, Shaykhb Muhammad Abdul Ghani, Maulana idrees Ahmad Shibnagri,Maulana Abdul Wahid and Shaykh Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri.
Shaykh As'ad as-Saghirjee. Author of many books and has taught many.
He will give Ijazah in 4 special Musalsalat: (i) Musalsal bil Awwaliyyah (ii) Musalsal bil Musafahah (iii) Musalsal bil Muhabbah (iv) Musalsal bil Aswadayn!
For more information please call:
07950820361 / 07956166795 / 07947681767 / 07946658099
Date: Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 12.00 pm - 6.30 pm
Venue: Inspire Youth Project Hall, 313 Katherine Road, Forest Gate,
London, E7 8PJ
This event features Qiraat, Talks, Islamic Stalls, Food, Charity Presentation, Goodie Bags and more. Guest speakers include Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam, Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf, Shaikh Muhammad Jihani, and Shaikh Sufyaan Iqbal.
Nearest tube stations are East Ham and Upton Park. Bus routes 325 and 276 pass near the venue. All profits go towards Muslim Hands'
Orphan Home Project.
For tickets and more information please contact:
Tel: 07852 289 393 / 07745 754 118
E-mail: remainingsteadfast@gmail.com
Islington and Hackney Amnesty Group presents:
Date: Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 1-5pm
Venue: Parliament Square, London SW1
To celebrate the new legal year we are holding a demonstration on behalf of the 229 Guantanamo detainees to show that much still needs to be done to free them from illegal detention. Please join us and hold one of the 229 placards to show your solidarity for the detainees. There will also be speechs by lawyers and
human rights campaigners on Guantanamo Bay and also the far-reaching influence that Guantanamo has had on international law.
Speakers include:
Louise Christian (Solicitor for former British prisoners in Guantánamo Bay)
Kevin Laue (Redress)
Andy Worthington (journalist)
Yvonne Ridley
Ahmed Ghappour (Reprieve)
representative from Amnesty International
Helen Bamber
Sunny Hundal (journalist)
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07813 786 829
E-mail: sophie786_@hotmail.com
by Shaykh Muhammed Shahid Raza
Date: Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 1.15pm - 3pm
venue: SuMA Community Centre, 20 Tooting Bec Road, London SW17 8BD
All welcome and free entrance
For more information please contact:
Tel: 0208 767 6100
E-mail: smayouth@suma.org.uk
Website: www.smayouth.suma.org.uk
From Rubble to Hope – Celebrating with Gaza
With Dr Azzam Tamimi and Anas Al-Tikriti
Date: Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 5.15 – 8.30pm
Venue: London Muslim Centre Whitechapel Road, London E1 1JQ
Come and help build hope from rubble and celebrate with Gaza in an evening filled with a 3 course meal, fantastic speakers, entertainment, auctions and the newest edition Presenter’s Got Talent!
Labbayk, Massaca, YMO drama group (tbc), Quiz &&& much much more!!
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07590 893 808 / 07904 251 703
E-mail: easytalk.daroon@gmail.com
Website: www.easy-talk.org
Monthly Peckham Halaqah:
By Ustadh Hussain Shefaar
Date: Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 6pm
Venue: Peckham Islamic Centre. 12 Choumert Grove, SE15 4PD map
All welcome and free entrance
For more information please contact: locate_t@hotmail.com
Redbridge Islamic Centre (RIC) presents:
Shaykh ul Britania, Abul Khayar Ali -
Chair of Redbridge Islamic Centre
Date : Saturday 3rd October 2009
Time: 7pm (After Salatul Magrib)
Venue: Redbridge Islamic Centre, 179 Eastern Avenue,
Redbridge, IG4 3AW.
All welcome and free entrance
For more information please contact: ric.halaqa@googlemail.com
Date: Sunday 4th October 2009
Time: 10.30am - 5.30pm
Venue: Waltham Forest Assembly Hall, King Street,
London W6 9JU
As well as reflecting on the progress made by MAT since it began in 2007, the main themes of the event will be on domestic violence and forced marriages within the
English Muslim community. Presentations will be made on behalf of MAT in relation to the Islamic perspective on such matters, exploring whether they are justifiable within the Islamic shariah law, or if they are merely off shoots of cultural influences. In particular, myths pertaining to domestic violence, forced marriages and Islam will be addressed. Delegates will also be presented with MAT’s proposals for dealing with forced marriages. Senior Judiciary of the English Courts will be addressing the attendees in relation to the English law developments in these areas, in particular the Forced Marriages Act 2007, and also difficulties faced by the Judiciary in facing forced marriage cases. Government officials and representatives of the police will also be making presentations in relation legislating and enforcing such issues. A key note speech will be delivered by a senior member of the establishment. in relation the role of religious institutions in modern society.
All welcome
For more information please contact info@matribunal.com
Hafiz Abdullah Muhammad LLB (Hons), PGCE, MA
(author of ‘The Best of Times in Islam’- IPCI, 2002)
Date: Every Sunday (Sun 4th October- Sun 20 Dec 2009)
Time: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
venue: Eman Foundation, 2A Ashgrove Road
Goodmayes, IG3 9XE
This course will provide an opportunity to undertake a detailed study of the structure, themes and guidance provided in all the 11 chapters in Juz 29 of the Qur'an. This will be done by providing a systematic study of each of the surahs as follows:
How surah names are related to each surah and the historical context of its revelations (asbab al-nuzul) Inter-textual relationship and coherence (nazm) between the verses of each surah and the relationship with the preceding/following surah Cross-reference to other parts of the Qur'an to demonstrate how 'the Qur'an explains the Qur'an' Discussion on linguistic and stylistic devices (balaghah), problems with translation/interpretation and alternative plausible interpretations Practical guidance and lessons derived from each surah
All welcome and free entrance
For more information please contact:
Tel: 07983 589 249 / 07932 076 570
E-mail: abdullah19171@hotmail.com
Date: Sunday 4th October 2009
Time: 2pm - 6pm
Venue: Golden Bengal, 21 Walm Lane, London NW2 5SH
The Prophet (pbuh) said " I will be like this in jannah with the person who takes care of an orphan" The messenger of Allah swt raised his forfinger by way of illistration (bukari)
3 course meal, henna, Book sale, Quranic Recitation, Limited tickets
All donations going to Ummah Welfare Trust
For more information please contact:
Tel: 079049 11317, 07861 707 331
Website: www.uwt.org
London Islamic Network for the Environment (LINE) & Green Sundays :
Date: Sunday 4th October 2009
Time: 2.30pm - 7pm
Venue: Arcola Theatre, 27 Arcola St- Hackney
London E8 2DJ
A Forum Theatre Workshop, led by Elizabeth Chawdhary of LINE; - Poetic Pilgrimage, the Muslim, female Hip-Hop & Spoken Word Duo; - SwapShop on the Arcola's Roof Garden; - A chance to learn more about ecological activism based on Islamic principles, including how you can get involved; - A screening of the documentary film 'Why are We All in Debt?' written by Tarek El Diwany.
Delicious food and drink products available from ‘Mighty Veg Delights'. There will also be opportunities to support LINE's work - e.g. though henna hand art - with all profits going to LINE.
'Green Sundays' are "events dedicated to film, music, reading,games and discussions exploring environmental and ecological themes that celebrate, question and propose different ways of viewing the state of our world."
For more infomation please contact:
Tel: 07939 686 307;
Website: www.lineonweb.org.uk
Intelligence² presents:
Date: Monday 5th October 2009
Time: 7pm - 8.30pm
Venue: Savoy Place, 2 Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL
William Dalrymple Scottish-born historian and travel writer whose interests include India, Pakistan, the Middle East, the Muslim world and Eastern Christianity. All of his six books have won major literary prizes. He wrote the highly acclaimed bestseller "In Xanadu" when he was twenty-two. In 1989 Dalrymple moved to Delhi where he lived for six years researching his second book "City of Djinns". This was followed by "From the Holy Mountain", his acclaimed study of the demise of Christianity in its Middle Eastern homeland. "White Mughals" (2003) tells the story of the love affair and marriage between an Englishman and a Hyderabadi princess in eighteenth-century India, and a collection of his writings about India, "The Age of Kali", was published in 2005. "The Last Mughal" (2006) traces the fall of the Mughal empire and the beginning of the Raj in the nineteenth century. William has written and presented award-winning programmes for television and radio and is the founder and co-director of the Jaipur Literature Festival.His forthcoming "Nine Lives: A Search for the Sacred in Modern India" will be William's first travel book in a decade and explores how traditional forms of religious life in South Asia have been transformed in the vortex of the region's rapid change.
For more information please visit : www.intelligencesquared.com
The Muslim Coach Presents...
Date: Thursday 8th October 2009
Time: 5-8:30pm
venue: London Muslim Centre 46-92 Whitechapel Road, London, E1 1JX
Instructor: Sister Farzana Khundmir BSc (Psychology),
Trained by Sheikh Muhammad Alshareef.
What are some of the benefits of this seminar? The seminar contains valuable information presented over two hours. [I]This will save you hours of independent research and hundreds of pounds.[/I] You will hear what some of the experts have to say about how to make real progress in this field. [I]This will mean you can finally take some serious action in the right direction.[/I] The seminar will discuss low cost and free methods for marketing. [I]These valuable tips will allow you to grow your business without needing a huge budget. With breaks for Asr and Maghrib Salah, and networking opportunities, this is one event where you can truly work and pray alongside your sisters in Islam and gain huge benefit!
For more information please contact:
E-mail: farzanakhundmir@googlemail.com
Website: www.themuslimcoach.com
Friends of The Citizens Foundation presents:
with Owen Bennett Jones [Author and BBC journalist]*
Date: Thursday 8th October 2009
Time: 6:30-8:30pm
Venue: River Room, Glaziers Hall, 9 Montague Close, London Bridge, London SE1 9DD
Bennett Jones will provide a candid overview of his book, Eye of The Storm (3rd Edition), based on Pakistan and the current socio-political climate. The event will be chaired by esteemed writer Moni Mohsin, author of The End of Innocence and The Diary of a Social Butterfly.
This thoroughly revised and updated edition of Bennett Jones’s market leading account of the critical modern state includes fresh material on the Taliban insurgency, the Musharraf years, the return and subsequent assassination of Benazir Bhutto, and the election as president of Asif Ali Zardari.
Owen Bennett Jones was BBC correspondent in Pakistan and is now Asia correspondent for the BBC World Service. He has written for the Guardian, Financial Times, and Independent newspapers, the London Review of Books and Prospect magazine.
All welcome
For more information please contact:
Tel: 0845 230 1947 / 020 7173 5129 / 5101
E-mail: info@ftcf.org.uk
Website: www.FTCF.org.uk
Wassalaam 'alaikum wa rahmatullaah.
- Islamic Circles
Please NOTE Islamic Circles does NOT take responsibility for any of the events, notices or comments, presented in this e-mail bulletin, other than its own. Those who are interested in taking part in any event or enquiring about a particular notice, should contact the appropriate organisations or individuals. This e-mail

is offered as a community service, and is compiled on a best endeavours basis.